Meeting again

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Life moved on and On April first our class won first place. It's probably cause all the girls voted for Gojos picture.

As a congratulation our club was given tickets for a two week vacation in Okinawa.


I didn't think so I have read enough fanfiction to know where this is going. I should have known something was up the moment I met Amanai.

Am sure who ever brought me here was ok with me doing my own thing till now but now that the series is starting I guess they are intervening.

Sigh," I guess no more running ".

. . .
A day before the trip at home
. . .

" Hey dad ", I said bringing the phone closer to my ear.

" Hey, I guess you have finally decided if your calling?", he asked.

" Yes ".

" And ?"

" After two weeks ".

" Isn't that a bit too soon?".

" No, the sooner the better "

" Okay then, I will send your ride in two weeks this old man has missed his only daughter", I could hear the smile in his voice.

I smiled, " dad !".

" Yea yea, see you in two weeks ".

" Good night "

" Sweet dreams Sana ".

" And dad "

"Yea ?"

" I missed you too".

I hung up then turn to plug my phone in the charger. I get comfy under the covers of my bed, before getting lost in thought.

I know I will run into Riko on this vacation and that's the only opening i will have to somehow save Riko.

After Riko's death Tengen will realize that a vessel wasn't all that necessary  which makes her death pointless.

She'll just be another traumatic  experience used to push the plot along. 

Honestly I am not a fan of Tengen, she is one of the characters i wish wasn't important but I knew that was impossible, Tengen was very important to the plot her very existence is dangerous and useful.

So my final option and the most realistic one would be to get rid of Kenjaku  before he starts any drama along with  Uraume and mahito. There is also yuji and sukuna to think about but that's a whole other can of worms I don't want to open right now.

I sigh again, " too much work".

I close my eyes to go to sleep, one step at a time Sana.

.  .  .

When we landed in Okinawa, my plan was simple and that was to enjoy my youth while I still can, make as many memories as I can.

So I forgot about the plot, the responsibility I feel because of my morals and had fun with my club members.

On our first week we saw Shuri castle, Sefa Utaki and went shopping in kokusai street. I made sure to buy something to wear for when we finally go to the beach along with other things like ice cream so I can eat it at night.

Good thing our members weren't alot just us three girls and our two teachers who let us roam around as we please as long as we followed curfew.

Anyway there were only four rooms the teachers took one each and the two girls in our group were more closer so they decided to share together leaving me with a room for my self so I can eat my snacks with out anyone taking them from me.

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