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The audience quickly rushed to evacuate the arena. Their screams echoed throughout the entire plaza, rumbling the air. They violently pushed eachother out of the way desperately, as they flowed out of the venue within minutes. The threat of death loomed above them.

The assassin held on for dear life, dangling pathetically above. Freya was hovering in the air using her boots, gripping her arm tightly. The fiery engines of the boots' flames crinkled above the noise of the tumbling rubble of the wrecked roof.

Dinomites guards came rushing on to the stage, their magical auras surrounding their bodies. They circled Dinomite once again, this time in a formation suited for fighting. One of the guards raised his fist up, sending a blinding flare of green flames soaring straight above him. "WOMAN IN THE COAT, BOY WITH THE GLOVES. STATE YOUR PURPOSE!" He boomed. The other guards stood stone faced and still.

Ethan raised his shaky hands in the air, while Ghost stood with a wide stance, the veins in her neck protruding clearly. She raised her bow and pointed it toward the guards with the intent to threaten. The sparks of fire crackled around the bow once more, and Ghost's eyes steamed with rage. She marched forward to get closer to the stage, triggering the guards to step backwards, and steep further into their stances.

She bared her teeth. "Let me talk to the 'star', now." she spat. The guards remained unresponsive, until Dinomite pushed them aside. "I actually have some words to say to you." he spat back. "What in the actual SHIT is going on?"

Freya interrupted from above. "THE ASSASSIN!" she shouted, catching the attention of everyone in the room. The assassin was climbing the sides of the roof with extreme speed, as if he was a spider.

Dinomite quickly charged up another electrical attack, aiming directly in the assassin's direction. "STAND BACK!" He shouted, and the guards quickly dived out of his vicinity. Closing one eye, he strummed hard on the guitar strings one time, electrifying the atmosphere once again. The electrical beam zoomed towards the assassin, sparkling and crackling as it illuminated the entire roof above.

Everyone covered their eyes swiftly as the electricity beamed. With a loud, ear blasting bang, the assassin screamed out in agony as the electricity directly engulfed him, zapping him with the pain of a thousand volts. The roof above was demolished by the sheer force of the electric, creating an enormous gaping hole in the centre. The assassin's grip still stuck to the wall, although he seemed sluggish after the attack. His movements became increasingly slow and drowsy, as he scoured the wall once more at a snail's pace. His outfit had been completely charred, the once semi bright colours now tainted with a coal black.

Freya raised her boot in the assassin's direction, charging up one of her fireball attacks. 'This is it.' she told herself, her eyes trained on the man.

Ghost screamed at the top of her lungs. "DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" She snapped her attention to Dinomite once more. "Can't you do ONE more?" she scowled. Dinomite grunted, and crudely mumbled a quiet swear at her. "What's with that disgusting look on your face? I haven't done anything wrong!" he scoffed.

Ethan interrupted from the side. "P-please," he whispered, voice breaking. Though his voice was quiet, the desperation in it was unmistakable. "Please, you have to do this!" His facial expressions spoke of clear anxiety. The sweat, the blush, the pale tone of his skin. Dinomite couldn't help but oblige. "Alright..." he said. "Only because you asked me to-"

Freya shouted down from above. "I GOT THIS!" The boots blasted out another flurry of fireballs heading straight towards the assassin, however he was prepared. After barely dodging the first few fireballs, he whipped out the gun from his pocket, and aimed it carefully. The gun glowed with a dark red aura. The assassin bared his teeth, and shouted, "RECKONER!" as he repeatedly pulled down the trigger.

The bullets that were fired pierced through each fireball with complete accuracy, erasing them completely out of existence. The last bullet pierced through Freya herself, ripping through her knee that splattered blood everywhere. She fell backwards in the air, lifting her knee up to grip it with both arms.

In the tiny moment of distraction, the assassin quickly clambered towards the gaping hole in the roof, gripping on to the edges and hauling himself up through it.

Freya snapped herself out of the pain with a slap to the face. The pupils in her eyes constricted when she noticed that the assassin had vanished. "SHIT." she screeched, her voice raspy and quavering. She readjusted her goggles, and released an angry sigh.

Ghost called out from below. "Freya! Come down, it's too late to chase him." Freya slowly averted her gaze. "Tch," she scoffed, "stay out of this."

Ghost narrowed her eyes as Freya brushed her off, soaring towards the hole ignorantly, exiting through it.

"IDIOT!" Ghost shouted, dashing towards the venue's entrance. "Ethan, come with me. Let's stop her-"

A flash of green flames brushed past Ghost. "Hold it!" A guard boomed, "Don't think you can just run off on us!"

"I don't have time for this." she snarled, swiftly turning around to point her bow at the guards. "You'll have to kill me before I give up!"

Dinomite clapped his hands loudly to grab their attention. "There'll be no need for deaths right now," he started, jumping down off the stage, "woman in the coat." He strutted up to her, his guitar still tightly stuck to his hands. "You're a beauty aren't you." he grinned, running one of his fingers gently through Ghost's hair.

Without a second thought, she slapped his hand away from her face. "Hands off." she spat. Dinomite shrugged. "Let me ask you this," he said, cracking his neck, "what in the name of ROCK is happening?"

Ethan spoke up from behind him. "We were-" his voice gave away, and had to quickly clear his throat in embarrassment. He blushed as he realised all eyes were now on him. "W-we were trying to save you..." he muttered, staring at the ground.

Ghost placed her hand on Dinomites shoulder, and stated,"If it weren't for Freya, you'd have a hole in your skull by now!" She jammed her finger into his forehead, before swiping her hand through his hair and scoffing. "People like you get on my nerves. 'Famous', please." she began walking towards the venue's entrance again. "People like you only care about your image. If you put half of that effort into being decent people, then maybe people like me wouldn't get sick of this shithole country."

Dinomite sighed. "Guards. Help the lady find the girl with the boots. The guards stared back at him with confusion. "B-but sir, they-"

"NOW!" He demanded. The guards reluctantly nodded, and with submission, they dashed past Ghost and through the venue's doors. She stared back at Dinomite with her brows furrowed. "Are you just trying to impress?" she said bitterly. Dinomite swung his guitar over his shoulders, and shook his head. "It's the least I can do for you, since you saved my life and all."

Ghost turned away. "Be more wary of your surroundings, we can't be there the next time they put a hit on you."

Dinomite froze. "H... Hit?" he shook. "Who did? Who put a hit on me? How- wait." Electrical sparks swarmed his body. "How did you even know about this?" he growled. Ethan put his hand on Dinomites' back, gazing at him worriedly. The electricity stopped, as Dinomite took a deep breath in. "Who... Who told you about this?" he asked Ethan.

Releasing his hand from Dinomite, he softly spoke, "We heard it from a gang we confronted. They got the order from someone named Morgan."

Dinomites jaw slightly quivered. The skin all over his body appearing obviously wan. He took in a large gulp before speaking. "T-thank... uh."

He brushed his hand over his forehead, before forcing a smile. "Thanks alot guys."

Ethan gave a subtle nod and smiled, strolling off, though the feeling that something was wrong was apparent and obvious. Dinomite nodded his head, and walked in the opposite direction, toward the backstage entrance.

Ghost and Ethan exited the venue.

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