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𝓛𝓲𝓵𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓻

Lily's pov

I walked through the door of my new high school, ready to start my senior year. The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot of people. And I mean, a lot. My old school was a private one so fewer people attended it. This one was public, which sent me in at least 3 panic attacks the previous night.

I started to walk around, not knowing where I was going. People were bumping into me every other second. I needed to find my friend.

Her name was Ava and we met online. I was so happy when she told me she lived in New Jersey and even happier when we realized we attended the same school.

Making friends was never easy for me. When my parents told me we were moving from Connecticut to New Jersey, I wanted to bury myself alive. I know it's not that far away but still. I hated change and the fact that I had to start all over again when I had finally found the perfect friend group made me want to end it all.

After looking around, looking like a complete idiot, I decided to head for the principal's office. Shouldn't be too hard to find right?


I had to ask at least 10 people who each gave me different directions. I knew they were just messing with me because they probably noticed I was new. But I don't think I ever wanted to go home, wrap myself in my blanket with a hot chocolate and cry, so bad in my entire life. I eventually found the principal's office, where a nice lady greeted me. I didn't quite catch her name, but she led me to the school counsellor. She gave me my schedule, locker number and the directions to my first class.

Have you ever had the experience of walking in class, late, and everyone stops what they were doing just to stare into your soul? Well, that is exactly what happened the second I opened the door. I quickly lowered my head and rushed to find an available seat. Thankfully, Ava had saved one for me.

"Where the hell were you?!" I whispered to her.

"Sorry, had people to see." She gave me a comforting smile that immediately made me forgive her.

The rest of the class went by pretty quickly. It was English, one of my favourite subjects. The teacher only talked about what we were going to learn this year, what books we were going to read, etc. Sounds boring but I was pretty interested. Once the bell rang, Ava took my arm and led me to our next class: math.


I was lucky enough to have Ava in all of my classes, except for extracurriculars, so I wasn't complaining. She said she asked the principal to give us the same schedule so it would be easier for me to start the school year and blah blah blah. Honestly, I was very thankful that we met because I don't know what I would've done without her.

Our schedule went like this: 3 classes in the morning that each lasted 75 minutes , lunch where we could go out of the school to get food or eat at the cafeteria, then 3 more classes in the afternoon, including an extracurricular.

Our next two classes looked a lot like the first one. The teachers would introduce themselves, tell us which subjects they taught and then proceed to go on a rant about everything we would learn throughout the year.

After our third class, which was science, Ava and I headed straight to our lockers. They weren't next to each other but it was okay. That way, I could meet other people. I opened my locker and grabbed my lunch box. I closed it and a guy was leaning against the one next to mine.

I felt like I was in one of those typical American movies, where a random guy leans against a locker so that when you close yours, you get a minor heart attack. Thankfully, I didn't get scared but was still a little confused.

"You're new." was the first thing he told me. I wanted to say something like; 'no shit', or 'actually?!' and act all surprised. But I didn't want to give the wrong impression. After all, I didn't know him and I didn't know how people took sarcasm here. For all I cared, he could take it the wrong way and then spread rumours and then everyone would hate me and I'd have to move again and abandon Ava and start all over again.

I was overthink it. I knew I was. "Uh yeah. Was it that obvious?" I let out a small laugh, to try and ease the tension I created.

"No. Well, not really. Ava told me." As if on cue, Ava started to make her way back to my locker.

"I see you've met Henry. Henry this is Lily, Lily this is Henry." She said, gesturing between the two of us.

I forced a smile and looked at both of them. "So, uh... where do you guys usually eat?"

Before I knew it, they each grabbed one of my arms and started dragging me to... I didn't even know "Come on. You've got people to meet." Ava said.

Connor's pov

I was sitting in the cafeteria with my friend group, at our usual table. It was the first day of senior year. I don't know why but I expected it to be different, or to feel different since we were now seniors. I thought we'd do stupid pranks, and that our lives were going to be changed.

Spoiler: none of that happened.

It was the exact same as every year. We got to school, the teachers handed out our schedules and we started our first class. However, there was one thing that was different that year. Or rather someone.

I couldn't get her out of my head. I knew my friends were all talking about their summer or whatever, but the only thing I could focus on was the blonde head sitting on the opposite side of the cafeteria.

I first saw her that morning, when I was putting my stuff in my locker. She was standing in the middle of the hallway and looked completely lost. I probably should've helped her but something stopped me. I didn't know what it was. So I just watched her, asking people where to go.

The second time I saw her was in math class. I saw her enter the class and sit at the back with my twin sister, Ava. The teacher took attendance and I figured out her name was Lily. It fit her so well.

I then remembered my sister talking about an online friend she had made, whose name was also Lily. I figured it must've been her.

"Hey, Earth to Connor." My friend's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I reluctantly looked back at my friends.

"Sorry, what were you guys talking about?"  I asked, genuinely having no idea what the hell was going on.

Some of my friends looked over their shoulders to try and figure out what I was looking at. Or rather who. "Who were you looking at for the past 10 minutes?" My friend Josh asked. "Does our boy Conny over here got a little crush on someone?" He teased.

I shook my head and took a bite out of my food before answering. "Don't worry about it."


So uh I don't know how I feel about that. Probably should've made the prologue a little longer to get more of Connor's pov but oh well.

Thanks for reading :)

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