Say Love (Sifki- Happy)

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Fury. Anger. Danger.

These were the emotions Loki saw in Sif's eyes. She looked absolutely furious standing in the rain- and Loki was enjoying every bit of it. Enjoying it far too much.

Sif punched his shoulder. "Can't you ever just have a normal conversation? Why is everything a joke to you?"

Loki grinned back. "Sorry? This is normal."

Sif glared. "For you, maybe."

She turned away angrily. As if not looking at him helped.

Loki chose to continue to irritate her. He hadn't gotten a big enough reaction yet.

"And the anger? Is that normal for you?"

She hissed, turning back to face him. Loki felt this to be the perfect opportunity to infuriate her further. Get her to leave him alone. He couldn't stand talking to her about Thor, or romance, or any of that, when he loved her so much.

It angered him, but he pretended it did not.

Pretended it didn't break his heart to hear her talk about his brother in the way he wished she saw him. When he wanted her to love him, but knew she never had- and now never would.

Loki reached out, poking her nose. "Poke."

His teasing grin was on his face again, hiding the truth without so much as a thought. He was so used to it; used to hiding behind a lie.

Lady Sif snarled, spinning away.

"What is wrong with you?" She stared hard into Loki's grinning face. "Seriously? I want to know!"

He only grinned wider. She shoved him, then began to walk away through the pouring rain, muttering furiously. As Loki watched he go, his mind screamed to stop her. To tell her- tell her the truth.

Loki opened his mouth. What was he doing? He watched her one more moment, then without letting himself think further, he yelled.

"I love you!" The rain ran down his face, dripping into his open mouth. "That's it. I love you."

The steady pour of the rain filled the silence. He waited for her fury, her anger, her laughter.

Unexplainable tears were somewhere amidst the rain on his face, frustrating him. Admitting it aloud was much more difficult than thinking it. His hair was sticking flatly to his neck, his clothes soaked as he stood motionless in the downpour.

The world seemed stuck. Frozen. Unable to move.

Then, she turned slowly. He couldn't see her expression in the grey light, and she remained silent. Loki barely breathed, waiting.

With a sudden cry that he couldn't place to an emotion, she darted forward and slammed into him, leaping into his arms, kissing him. As the rain continued to drench them, Loki held her in shock as she kissed him.

Sif was kissing him. Not Loki kissing her, not a joke, not anything he was used to.

"I love you too." She whispered against his mouth. "I love you, Loki Odinson."

Then she laid her head on his shoulder, hugging him. He placed her back down, too speechless to do anything else. They stood there, hugging in the rain, Lokis tears still disguised by the downpour, still falling into her hair.

If she cried, Loki couldn't tell.

He'd imagined this scenario many times, come up with every outcome he could think up, at least, every bad one. Everyone where she laughed, pitied, scoffed, or scorned him.

Where she called him crazy.


Where she disagreed and laughed in his face. Every time, he was the villain, and she reacted as such.

But not this.

He never thought she would love him in return, hadn't thought she could. He felt unworthy of her, and yet she would not let go.

"I've always loved you." Her words, though whispered, soared above the rain to Loki. "Ever since Thor found Jane, maybe even before that."

Loki smoothed back her wet hair. "I've loved you too. But I wouldn't steal you from Thor, not really, I dislike him- not you. And then I was unworthy. I was ashamed."

He wanted to joke, to make Sif laugh, to break the serious tone they had now, but he didn't. He could be brave. He could do this.

Sif leaned back, smiling, raindrops glittering on her lashes. "You don't have to be. Not anymore. I love you, Loki."

Loki smiled, not mischievously, not harshly.

Just smiled.

Love You, Lost You.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum