Prank War (Sifki)

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Anger mounting at an alarming speed, Sif held back a scream.

"Loki!!??!!" She screeched yanking the slimy slugs from her hair. This was prank four hundred twenty-seven- in one week!

Sif snarled, heading to the mirror to remove the remaining creatures. She'd only managed to get Loki twice, and the last one didn't really count.

He always somehow knew they were coming. Sif was furious, and she couldn't get Loki to stop. Every door she opened, she opened with dread.

The fault of this whole situation was Sif's. She had unintentionally started this war when she'd wanted to prank the prankster. To prank Loki.

After the first few tricks, she'd assumed it would die down- but no- Loki loved a prank war far too much.

She didn't even want to know how he was pulling some of these tricks off, but she did know she couldn't rival him.

She also didn't know how to end it.

Sif now regretted seizing the opportunity to prank Loki- though it had been hilarious when he'd raised his glass to his lips and gagged, trying to be discreet, but not swallow any of the horrible liquid in his cup.

She smiled, remembering. Her smile vanished quickly as she noticed the excess slime still in her hair after the slug removal. Sif hurried to a sink in the kitchen, flicking on the water angrily.

No water flowed, but a slippery little snake fell out, squirming around inside the basin. She closed her eyes, growling, fists tightening.

This was no longer a simple prank war.

Loki's laughing face met hers as she spun to leave.

"You're so easy to get! How do you still not see these coming?"

He leaned on the doorframe, grinning. "What's that now? Four hundred twenty-eight? Is that right?"

Sif was going to kill him. She glared.

"It wasn't funny a week ago, and it's not funny today. I think we're even now- in fact, we're beyond even. Four hundred is excessive payback for one prank!"

Sif put her hands on her hips.

"Four hundred-" He paused, blinking slowly at her, "twenty-eight."

The false innocence in his eyes infuriated her even more. She started to smack him, only to have Loki catch her hand.

His wide-eyed innocent act vanished, and the mischievous gleam returned. He shook his head at her as if she were a child.

Sif took a breath to calm herself, eyes closed. She could still feel Loki's hand on hers, and when she opened her eyes, his face was before her again. In an instant, her fury mounted, her calming breath now completely pointless.

"Loki, I swear..." She trailed off at the look on his face.

By Odin, if he tried to kiss her again... no, he was studying something behind her.


He blinked, an uncertain concern flickering around his face; he looked scared.

"There's a little mouse back there." He stepped back, jumping slightly.

Sif paled- she hated mice. "Where?"

She slid behind Loki, peeking over his shoulder. Loki turned his head, looking at her.

"What's this? Mighty Lady Sif is afraid of mice?" He was enjoying this new knowledge.

Her nose twitched angrily.

"Aw," Loki smiled, "that's cute. Do you always hide from them? I should think a brave warrior such as yourself had no fear- especially not of something as small as mice."

Sif tried to breathe evenly, but her fury squashed out all her fear, suffocating her in choking anger. Looking to the floor, she was unable to locate the mouse. It was gone.

Regaining her composure, she stepped away from Loki. Attempting to return to their previous conversation, Sif extended a slightly trembling hand.

"Can we please call it even? One to four hundred twenty-eight. You win; no more."

Loki blinked at her, suddenly grinning widely, eyes filling with laughter. Sif didn't see what was funny, but he was Loki- what reason did he need?

He tucked some hair behind his ear. "Nine. Four hundred twenty-nine."

Sif's mouth opened, and she stared at Loki incredulously. "You mean... the mouse?"

Loki laughed, shaking her hand. "No more pranks in the prank war. I promise."

Sif eyed him. He handed her a small necklace with a shiny green stone.

"I promise- peace." He nodded at it.

She took it; Loki was a puzzle.

"Thank-" He brushed past her, cutting her off and bouncing away.

"-you." She finished to empty air. She shook her head, walking away to locate some water.

                               ● ● ●

It had been a week, a wonderfully prankless week, and Sif couldn't be happier.

Inside the empty practice arena, Sif gathered up her swords, intending to leave along with everyone else who had already exited.

Scooping up her shield, she, too, headed for the door. Abruptly, Loki darted through, slamming into her. Sif almost dropped her sword.

"Loki!" Sif glared through narrowed eyes.

He grinned, waving apologetically. "Sorry, Sif, darling, I- oh my gosh, is that a mouse!?"

Loki jumped back, placing himself behind Sif, terror filling his wide, blue eyes. Sif whirled, frantically searching for the mouse.

Loki backed up. "Oh look, he's at your feet."

Sif yelped, stumbling back into Loki as a tiny mouse scrambled at her boots. Loki coughed while Sif darted away to escape the dreadful little creature.

Sif stopped short. That wasn't a cough; Loki was laughing. With a snap, the mouse vanished. Loki's laughter grew.

Stalking over, Sif dug her fingers into Loki's arm. "I hate you."

Loki offered a dashing, if slightly pained, smile. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

She let go, punching his arm playfully, shaking her head. Loki turned, looking over his shoulder as he dashed away.

"Until next time, m'lady." He grinned madly, flashing the mouse in his hand as he disappeared through the door.

"I really do hate you!" Sif called after him, holding up a fist.

She heard his laughter echo through the hall, back to her.

"I know!" His laugh faded as he moved further into the building- further away.

"But I love you," Sif whispered to no one, "I really do love you."

She lowered her head to the necklace in her hand, then back up, staring where Loki had gone.

"I love you, Loki"

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