Don't Say Love (Sifki- Sad)

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This was the third month in a row that she was meeting Thor's brother late for his request of training.

How he had ever convinced himself to ask her, she had no idea.

Loki Odinson.

He'd quickly, shyly, asked her and then promptly requested of her not to tell anyone else.

Lately, though, Sif found herself strangely looking forward to it. She couldn't understand why; she had always been Thor's girl.

She was only Loki's friend, but her feelings weren't sure if they agreed with her words anymore.

What she felt might be something... deeper?

She truly enjoyed spending time with Loki- away from Thor.

Sif loved Thor. She liked being around him and appreciated his friendship.

But Loki, he changed around his brother.

Whenever Thor was around, he was different. Not much, barely noticeable, but he did.

His joking turned nastier. His eyes grew narrower. His demeanor changed.

Subtly, hardly, yet it did.

He quieted down and stayed silently as a shadow beside his brother. As if Thor was the glory of the family, and he was simply extra.

This was the Loki she'd always known. Quiet, yet joking. Easily charming, yet never quite serious. Knew everything about everyone but revealed nothing about himself.

Thor's shadow, laughing eyes, pranks that could sometimes go a bit too far.

A sliver of brewing anger if you caught him at just the right moment. But mostly easy smiles, teasing eyes, the laughter in any crowd.

That was Loki.

Sif spotted him waiting for her, pulling herself from her mind. He was here as usual, and her heart fluttered, giving her the feeling of skipping a beat.

A smile crept onto her face before she could bite it back. What was the matter with her? Why did he spark this feeling inside?

Loki noticed her, smiling back.

"Lady Sif." He winked playfully, bowing.

She swatted at him gently. "Knock it off. Come on."

In a moment of bold decision, she took his hand heading for the archway. It was colder than she'd expected. Sif watched his face, seemingly bare of all his carefully controlled expressions and feelings.


Who was he really? She wondered if she was finally beginning to see him- really see him.

With a side glance, Loki shifted his hands. "I've tried to practice, as you instructed."

Sif nodded. "Let's see if it shows."

Loki's eyes held back a smile. "Of course."

Together, they entered the training arena, hand in hand, and Sif realized she liked that idea- her hand in Loki's.

Loki held out his sword, looking her way. "Shall we?"

Sif winked. "Let's dance."

• • •

Breathless and laughing, Sif helped Loki to his feet from where he lay after his defeat.

"Someday," Loki gasped between giggles, "you'll know how it feels to lie in the dirt below my scoffing face."

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