Nothing left (Bechloe)

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Once inseparable, now torn apart,
Beca and Chloe, with heavy hearts.
A rift between them, a love turned sour,
Their bond shattered in this darkest hour.

Words were spoken, wounds were made,
Regret and anger, a bitter cascade.
Unable to forgive, their hearts grew cold,
The friendship they cherished, forever untold.

The laughter faded, replaced by silence,
Their souls longing for that lost alliance.
A chasm between them, too wide to mend,
Their story's tragic, a bitter end.

The memories haunt, like ghosts in the night,
A love once vibrant, now consumed by spite.
They yearn for solace, a chance to heal,
But forgiveness eludes them, an unbreakable seal.

Oh, Beca and Chloe, what could have been,
A love so beautiful, lost in between.
Their hearts heavy with regret's cruel weight,
Forever apart, in sorrow they await.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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