A Man of Unusual Talent Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

He couldn't forget those words. I'm sorry I couldn't give you better news.

Getting CC from the couch, where he'd looked like an adorably sleepy kitten curled up in the corner after two movies, to the bedroom, had been easy enough. Mat had simply yawned, looked at the clock, and commented on the lateness of the hour.

CC had smiled, a sleepy-eyed, gut-churning smile, and asked, "Do you need help turning down the covers?"

And the boldness of that statement, veering a hundred miles an hour right along the path Mat most wanted to follow, had brought them here, to his bedroom, where Mat had a moment of regret that he hadn't shoved the laundry deep into the closet, while CC looked around with interest.

"It's a little small," Mat murmured, when CC's gaze halted on his double bed. "But a queen would have dominated the room too much."

CC doubled over with laughter, while Mat stood watching him. Finally he regained control of himself and stood upright. "You think?"

"Yeah," Mat huffed softly. "So, you, uh...want to turn down the covers?"

CC shook his head. "Can I use your bathroom real quick?"

"Go ahead." When CC disappeared, Mat took advantage of the moment to not just pull down the bed clothes but to shove his hamper into the closet. He stripped down to his underwear, debated putting on pajamas or sweats, then decided that he wasn't going to be subtle. Not when CC was being so delightfully bold.

He climbed onto the bed, hooked one foot under the white cotton sheets, and crooked one knee. Though he tried not to appear too eager, and some inner child who'd apparently never gotten laid was trying to throw him off his game, he couldn't keep his gaze from the doorway for long, or his ears from listening for any telltale noises CC might make in the bathroom.

Quit posing like a porn star.

I'm not. Shut up.

You mean you don't have that knee raised so your underwear clings to your package intentionally?

He dropped his gaze to his crotch, where the bulge of his cock stretched the fabric of his briefs. Maybe it was too porny... Reaching down, he adjusted himself, then self-consciously straightened his leg. His gaze wandered immediately to the door again.

What was taking CC so long?

The shower kicked on with a rattle and bang, and Mat closed his eyes. Shower. Of course. His groin throbbed. Maybe he should go climb in the shower behind CC?

His legs slid across the sheets, his feet hit the floor, and he was on his way out the door before the thought had even finished forming in his head.

Visions of CC wet, droplets of water coursing over smooth skin, spiky white-blond hair plastered to his skull, impelled him across the hall and through the door. He stepped into the steamy bathroom.

CC looked up, eyes widening. "Mat?"

His obvious confusion slowed Mat's impulsive action. "Sorry... I thought I'd join you in the shower."

The brilliant, seldom seen smile flashed across CC's lips, and Mat's heart melted. He was so a goner. "Too late. I sort of rushed the shower so I could join you in the bed."

"That sounds good too." Mat breathed deeply through his nose, trying not to stare at the lean muscles, the toned body. The happy trail of golden hair that disappeared under one of his blue striped bath towels.

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