Bee's a Robot!?!?

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Jupiter's POV
I woke up to Sam screaming about someone stealing his car. "Wha?" I asked still groggy from sleep. Sam never answered but it just registered what he said and I said, "Oh shoot."

I stumbled out the door and pushed off into the air and skated around trying to find him. That's when I saw them. The alien-like "police" of HIS world.

Double shoot.

I am so glad that HE gave me a gun that can actually kill these things. I flew towards an alley and started the fight there.

After I finally managed to get rid of them, I turned and walked in the series of alleyways until I came across Sam.

"Sam?! What are you doing?!" I whisper shouted at him.
He looked kind of pale and pointed shakily over his shoulder at the robot.

Wait. ROBOT?!?!

What has Sam got into now?
What have I got myself into?

That robot looks a lot like Bee. He was pointing a thing at the sky like the batman signal except with a weird looking face at the end of it. I looked at it in awe until Sam started running and the robot TRANSFORMED INTO BEE!?!?!?!?

Despite my shock and surprise, I followed after the dogs chasing Sam and tried to scare them away but they just came after me so I chickened out and climbed up on the barrels beside Sam and tried kicking them away. Then Bee came and scared them away and Sam threw his keys at him. I gasped and picked up the keys and his in the shadows as Sam got arrested. I know. I'm a bad friend for doing this but I did not want to deal with the police with all the stuff I have going on right now. I especially have to find out why alien police are trying to get me like they with HIM.

Well you know, now that I think about it Bee's robot form is kind of cute.
Oh great. I just have to have a superpower of not only not being able to be loved that way, but also to fall in love with non human things.

WAIT. Fall in love?
I only saw Bee and now I'm saying I'm in love with him now?

I shook it off with a shake of my head and started walking home. I mean to Sam's house. I shouldn't call it home anymore because I'm pretty sure Sam wouldn't want me to stay in his house anymore since I hid like a coward from the police. I'm only going to his house to gather anything I might have left and say bye to Sam, Ron, and Judy.

I mentally sighed and kept walking as I saw the car drive next to me.
"Are you....going to..... you home tonight?" Bee's radio sang.
I sighed and said, "It's not really my home anyway. I still didn't have time to look for an apartment yet."
"Do you....want....a ride?" Bee asked/sang.
"Sure I guess," I said and climbed in the passenger seat.

"So can you tell me your name so I can stop calling you Bumblebee in my head?" I asked.
"That's right.... sugarplum," He said.

My eyes went wide as I found out that I was calling him by his name the entire time.

I coughed and asked, "How far until we reach the Witwicky house?"
"It's just.....around..... the block," he said/sang.

I looked at our surroundings and realized he was right.

"You should just drop me off and come back around 3:00 am so you don't startle Sam," I told him. He buzzed like a bee in agreement. (A/N see what I did there ;)

He dropped me off and I told him to go as I would get in just fine. He reluctantly drove off and I used my boots to fly into Sam's open window and quietly sneaked in the bathroom and flushed the toilet to give the illusion that I was using the bathroom. I walked downstairs to see Ron going out the door.

"Hey, Ron where you going?" I asked.
"To bail Sam out of jail," he grumpily replied.
"He did what?!" I asked with pretend shock.
"Want to come?" He asked.
"No thanks. I'll stay here and get some more sleep," I told him.

I lied down on the couch and eventually fell asleep when the door opened and Sam came in.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while and that this chapter is so short. I'm doing this strength and conditioning camp at the high school I'm going to next year and I'm still getting used to waking up at 5:30 in the morning and not coming back until around 9:00 am. Just telling you this to remind you that even though I am writing a story I do have a life that consists of many things. Not just reading and writing.
Peace out my lovelies.

Jupiter and Bumblebee (Jupiter Ascending/Transformers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now