hands on me

2 0 0

but, i am lost.

and from such a notion

one must deduce,

there can be no 

way to reach me.

i face the window

when there my eyes

are called,

i fall into chairs

on the suggestion

of my knees

and feet,

and barreling on

i stumble away

with the plainest motion 

of my dismissive hand.

sunrise after sunset.

sunday over saturday

after the settling

of the last season.

i am stretched across

the past, 

lingering around 

a meandering day

and losing myself

far into 

the coming weeks.

there is no way 

to touch me

for i am so 

far away.

there could be

no sense

to catch me,

not in such times

as these,

when a dream 

is too translucent

to take shape

within this life,

but far too vivid

and sweetly singing

for me to possibly

forget it.

the stretching silhouetteWhere stories live. Discover now