Chapter 41

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The twins and Kristina invited me to go snowboarding. Winter came early this year, it snowed a couple inches and it's only October.

I thought Grayson would never want to talk to me again, disgusted by just looking at me. I was honestly surprised when I got the text asking me to hangout today. I definitely feel different with him now, more vulnerable.

I am trying on Kristina's snow pants since I don't have any, they are a little snug but they'll work. She's giving me her old board since she's grown out of it. "Fuck! I'm going to eat shit." I whine as I put on my black coat.

"I did too at first. You'll have a helmet and goggles on so no one will never know it's you." She says trying to calm my nerves. "There's hundreds of people here." I look outside the window at everyone snowboarding and skiing. I'm going to die, why did I agree to this?

"They will be too busy concentrating to notice." She says putting on her gloves. Grayson and Ethan come out of the bathrooms bickering. "Stop, you're so fucking annoying!" Grayson says smacking the back of Ethan's head.

Those two are always fighting about something. I start stretching my legs and arms, I will not be pulling anything today. "Have you gone snowboarding before?" Grayson asks sitting next to me. "No. It looks hard as hell." I say stretching my back.

"I'll help you out, it's easy once you get the hang of it." He puts on his boots and starts doing them up. "You have way to much faith in me, i'm so uncoordinated." I sit down next to him and put on my gloves.

Kristina already helped me put on my boots, i'm physically ready to go, mentally... not so much.

"We'll go on the bunny hill first." Kristina says grabbing her board. We all make it outside, the crisp winter air dancing around my lungs with every breath I take. We sit down once we make it to the base of the small hill.

I watch as they strap their feet into the board with excitement. "Need help?" Grayson asks before getting on his knees and crawling in front of me and starts strapping my feet in. Butterflies form in my stomach at the simple gesture.

I thank him once he's all done. I blow out a shaky breath as I study the small slope."You ready?" He asked, his warm smile slowly melting away any doubts. With a small nod he shows me how to get up.

"Make sure to keep your board up, or you'll eat shit." He says before getting up and showing me how to keep the front of my board off the ground. I put my hands on the ground and try to lift myself up but the board slides out from underneath me, causing me to fall on the ground.

I huff before trying again, this time being able to get up. He grabs my hands so I don't go anywhere. "Find your balance, slightly bend your knees and keep your toes up." He says. We slowly start going down the hill as he shows me what to do.

"Atta girl, there you go. Just like that." He praises as we make our way to the bottom. He continues to teach me the fundamentals of snowboarding: how to control my speed, make turns, and navigate the terrain.

With every new skill, he offered encouragement and corrections, his unwavering support helped me grow confidence and push me out of my comfort zone.

"You think you can do it by yourself now?" He asks, letting go of my hands. I slowly nod my head as I keep my hands out, keeping myself balanced. "Remember keep your knees slightly bent and keep your toes up." He says slowly going down the hill backwards.

I nod, listening to his instructions. I wobble a little bit as I start going down but soon gain my balance. I smile as I slowly make my way down the hill. As I gain confidence I go a little faster, my pulse pumping with adrenaline.

I'm almost to Grayson when I hear someone yelling behind me. "MOVE! MOVE!" They shout. Scared, I start wobbling and subconsciously put my toes down, causing me to fall onto my stomach. The person that was yelling flies past me, nearly running into me.

I hear Grayson yell at them as I get in a sitting position. I get back up and start again, making my way down to him. "Are you okay?" He asks, grabbing my hands. "Yeah, they just scared me." I chuckle lightly.

We get down to the bottom and meet up with Kristina and Ethan so we can all ride the ski lift together. The sun is starting to dip behind the mountains, casting a golden glow over the snow covered landscape. "Do you want to do a steeper slope?" He asks as we make our way back up the mountain.

"Trying to kill me Dolan?" I scoff lightly. "Come on, it'll be fun." He says nudging my arm. I roll my eyes while nodding my head. The hardest part is getting off the lift, I haven't perfected it yet and almost fall every time.

I bite my nails deciding if I should ask him or not. "Hey Grayson?" I say looking at his board. "Yeah?" I let out a shaky breath preparing myself. "Why are you dating Madison?" I ask, trying to keep the hurt out of my voice.

He clears his throat while fixing his glove. "This is going to sound so fucked up." He murmurs while putting his goggles on his head before looking at me.

"I needed a distraction from you and I used the first person that came to me. It didn't help tho, every time I was kissing her I thought of you." He says looking away from me.

I feel bad for Madison, getting used like that. "I felt shitty and broke things off with her. She's a lot of things but she didn't deserve to be used like that." He says, clenching his jaw. I nod my head, I can tell her really does feel bad.

"There is actually something I've been wanting to ask you for a while." He says scratching the back of his head. I look at him with curious eyes, wondering what he's kept bottled up. "What?" He clears his throat, looking back at me.

"Would you want to.. go out with me?" I feel my cheeks warm up, my lips slowly curving upwards. "Like a date?" I ask, my heart flutters with how shy he's being right now. He chuckles lightly shaking his head.

"Aven I've admired you for a while now, I think about you all the time, I always want to be with you.. I've never felt this way before and to tell you the truth it's scary as hell..." He trails off. He's quiet for a minute, lost in thought.

I get my board ready to get off as the ground gets closer. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks right before we have to get off. I wobble from side to side as I try not to fall, I lose my balance and grab onto him, making both of us fall.

I laugh as I land on him, our heads hitting each other."You are so clumsy." He chuckles, rubbing his forehead. I look at him, giggling. "Yes, i'll be your girlfriend." He stops laughing and looks at me "Really?" He asks. I smile, nodding my head.

We lay there smiling at each other until someone tells us to move from the entrance. I get off of him and we get up just in time for Kristina and Ethan to get off the lift. I put my goggles back over my eyes and follow Kristina and the twins to the slope.

I sit down and buckle my foot back into the board. Grayson grabs my hands and I follow his lead, trusting his expertise as we carve our way through the powder.

With Grayson guidance, I feel myself growing more confident with each twist and turn, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as we go faster.

We finally get to the bottom of the hill and everyone decided to head back to the lodge as the sun dips behind the mountains.

We take off our boards and head inside. Tired but elated, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories we have created together today.

Not just because I learned how to snowboard, but because I saw a different side of Grayson. His unwavering support and encouragement had made all the difference. He never left my side, making sure that i'm safe and wouldn't get hurt.

We sit next to the fire, recounting our adventures with laughter and warmth. Kristina takes out her phone and takes a picture of us, our cheeks and noses red from the winter air. As I look at my friends around me I knew that this is just the beginning of many more memories to come.

This chapter is meh

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