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Michael:"thank God you're okay Abby!"

Abby:"another little ghost helped me,"

Michael:"oh no.."

*The young boy Started crying.. remembering his brother..*

Abby:"Evan!?.. what's wrong.."

*She hugged him, Michael stood up and he took two steps towards Abby and Evan*

Evan:*you're bubba reminds me of m-my b-bu-bubba.."


*Michael let out a low sigh*

Michael:"come here little guy,"

*He opened his arms out, Evan looked at him, shocked, the young boy hasn't been hugged before..well, besides Cindy and shadow foxy hugging him, he immediately rushed over to Michael, clinging onto him*

Evan:"nobody's ever hugged me.. besides my friends.. Cindy and shadow foxy.."

Abby:"oh no..poor hug!"

*She ran up to the two, wrapping her arms around Evan and Michael*

Abby:"this is going to be the hug of your life,"

*Evan smiled a bit, extremely grateful for the hugs,*

Evan:"I'm going to protect you both! matter what..!"

*Seems like Michael reminds the young boy of his own brother,he wants to protect him..and Abby, because she reminds him of Elizabeth, especially with her kindness, you can't even imagine how grateful he was..*

Abby:"thank you Evan.."

*She hugged him tighter*

Michael:"Abby, don't hug the little guy to tightly, you might hurt him,"

Abby:"oh, sorry,"

*They all stopped hugging, Abby and Michael taking one step back,*

Evan:"must protect.."

*Michael gently patted his head*

Michael:"you didn't deserve to go seem like a nice little boy..can you tell me how you died..?"

Evan:"..w-we-well.. my brother had the same name as you..h-he always bullied me with hi-his day on my fifth birthday they put my head in fred-"

Michael:"oh my lord!? You're the kid from 1983 aren't you!?"

Evan:"well..I was still talking..but..but I mean, that's better than me having to explain it,"

Michael:"I can't believe that happened to you on you're special day.."

Evan:"Mhm.. I'm sure bubba didn't know it'd kill me..

Abby:"maybe not.."

*Vanessa Walked into the room*

Vanessa:"did you fin- oh..oh my God.."

Evan:"sis.. sister Vanessa!"

*He ran up to her, she immediately picked him up, pulling him into a tight hug, Both of them crying a bit*


Vanessa:"sorry.. I'll explain, I'm also an Afton.. he's.. he's my little brother.."

Michael:"that makes sense.. he's so sweet.. I'm glad you two are able to reunite now.."

Vanessa:"he was..he was always a sweetheart.. always picking Flowers for his teachers..for the school staff.. making friends with the staff..he was an excellent child.."


Michael:"don't worry Abby, you're also a sweetheart,"



Vanessa:"what's wrong little Bud..?"

Evan:"me mi- miss sis.."

Vanessa:"I miss you so much..too.."

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