The Disastrous life of Saiki K

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Name: Aimi Saiki

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Name: Aimi Saiki

Age: 17

-Mind reading
-move things with her mind
-senses a person's emotions
-gives out a love aura that calms down anyone
-knows what others love and hate

Personality: Shy, Intelligent, kind, quiet, sweet, loving, introvert, jumpy, sensitive, innocent

Likes: Books, her family, sweets, lolita or cute clothing, light colors, friends, quiet places, her powers, school, helping people, cute things, tea, ice cream, shopping

Dislike: people looking at her, getting in her personal bubble, surprises, scary stuff, being away from Kusuo

Side Note:
She takes awhile to get used to new people, but when she trusts them she is open to them

She does like her powers much but uses them for good and knows that they are weak

She is somewhat a curious child

She is the second most beautiful girl in school

She already knew that she was adopted, thanks to Saiki telling her, but didn't bother her

Voice actor
English (Season One)-Erika Harlacher
(Season 3)-Brianna Knickerbocker

Japanese- Saori Hayami

As a baby, she doesn't remember her real parents since she was abandoned by them and left at a doorstep. The door belongs to the Saiki family, the couple Kuniharu Saiki and Kurumi Saiki, found her and immediately fell in love with her. They read the note that was left on her basket, but sadly only reveals her first name and nothing else.

They started treating her to their own daughter, as their sons Kusuo and Kuusuke treated her as their baby sister. Everything was normal until they found out something about her. As a kid, she was a psychic like Kusuo, which to their surprise they weren't too surprised, now they have two special kids.

When she got a bit older, thanks to Saiki he told her who her real family is, and her real name is Aimi Chisaki. Her mother passed away from giving birth to her and the dad was poor and had no choice but to give her to another family.

She became silent for a year but She finally said to her new family "I know that I'm not your blood, but even if I know my real family. You showed me love and care so I don't care if I'm adoptive, you are my family and I love you all"

As years continue, Aimi grew attached to Kusuo since he knows what's best for Aimi, and it's best to watch after her and her power. Aimi mostly would move closer to him and hold his hand, he didn't mind. Which made her a bit shy with new people

She can control her powers thanks to Kusou and Kusuke, and luckily her powers aren't very strong like Kusuo so she doesn't need anything to stop her powers, but she does need to stay calm and not get scared.

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