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It wasn't often that I sat at the bar alone. So I was royally impressed by how little I cared about the attention. It wasn't until I'd received my fourth drink from a man in his thirties that I realized how good I looked.

It was easy really. To be the sort of attractive that got a man's attention. They didn't have many requirements. They liked the very things that made up a woman. Hips and curves. Thighs and breasts. Of course, ass.

It wouldn't be fair of me to say I wasn't blessed in all those areas. It would actually be a lie.

I had most things that women desired and most things men wanted. Tonight, it was showing.

My first drink was bought by an older gentleman. I use the term gentle because he hardly made an effort to get anything in return. We exchanged a civil conversation about work, the time he'd spent as an engineer for Apple. It was nice really. He had kind eyes and a warm smile. The grey in his hair was coming in evenly. It was subtle but nice.

He squeezed my hand and wished me luck in my life. His eyes didn't even wander towards my chest. I probably would've taken him home with me for that reason alone. Gentle was new. Gentle was sexy.

Second guy was awkward as hell. He could hardly look me in the eyes. It was probably his first time buying anyone a drink, given he appeared to be twenty one. Then I noticed the birthday money pinned to his blazer and it made me smile. I was right. He was adorable, asking me about my day and whatnot. Then his friends were cheering him on and his face turned pink when I kissed his lips.

He asked me if I wanted to hang out with them, his friends seemed amusing enough but I declined. I was too old for them. So I wished him a happy birthday and politely suggested that he catch up with his friends. He didn't want to leave me, perhaps it was the kiss or something genuine in his character. A few years older and I would've taken him home.

The third guy was a prick. He held my waist like he owned me and I let him. Mostly because, I was fascinated by how dumb a man could really be.

After he bought my martini, dirty, it was more so I owed him exactly what a man desired most. Sex. If one singular drink was the equivalent to getting in bed with a man, I owed a lot of sex. More than I could even count.

Anyways, this bad boy was attractive. Clean cut, well shaven, almost my type completely. His green eyes thin lips were past my limits along with everything that came out of his mouth. He told me about his money. Six figures in three months, practically a millionaire before his twenty eighth birthday. I did what he wanted me to do, for a while at least. In all honesty I got bored and dark eyes were calling my name.

Unfortunately I knew them all too well. My worst mistake. He strolled over in a leather jacket. The very one I bought from Kohls. Tall dark and handsome put his hand on the counter and ordered an old fashion. Then he gave mister soon-to-be millionaire a run for his money. Their exchange was short, almost too brief and I was almost disappointed when six figures left.

I hated that tall dark and handsome always won.

He stood next to me, no seating at the bar. He didn't seem to mind, I could tell it gave him a reason to stand closer than he should. I allowed it because I was three drinks in and too loose to get worked up over old shit.

Nicholas glanced at me, his eyes more so focus on the glass in front of him, "I knew I'd find you here."

I rolled my eyes, "There's hardly anywhere else to go. Besides, I showed you this bar."

He scoffed, his fingertips drumming the counter a few times before stopping. He did this several times until I put my hand over his. This time, his green eyes were focused on mine. Almost as if he couldn't even be paid enough to look away. I wished he would've.

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