Joshua Maddux: The Boy in the Chimney (2008)

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Joshua Maddux was born on March 9, 1990, and lived in Woodland Park, a town of around eight thousand people, in the Pike National Forest, Teller County, Colorado

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Joshua Maddux was born on March 9, 1990, and lived in Woodland Park, a town of around eight thousand people, in the Pike National Forest, Teller County, Colorado. His parents were divorced, and Josh lived with his father, Mike and two sisters, Kate and Ruth.

He was 6 feet tall, blond-haired, and weighed around 150 pounds. He had a carefree attitude to life, grew his hair long, loved music, played the guitar and spent much of his free time writing. And at school, he was a bright student and was seemingly well-liked.

 And at school, he was a bright student and was seemingly well-liked

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Joshua Maddux (left & top right). The Cabin (bottom right).


In May of 2008, 18-year-old Joshua Maddux bid his sister farewell and left his house to take a walk. A nature lover and free spirit, this was nothing unusual, however, when he didn't return, things took a strange twist. The search for Josh continued for seven long years but remained unfruitful.

In 2015, less than a mile away, Chuck Murphy was demolishing his old wood cabin to make way for a property development. The cabin hadn't been used in years and inside was damp, the stuffy space smelt badly of rot. As they tore down the chimney, they made a grim discovery. Crammed inside the brickwork lay the mummified body of Joshua Maddux.

On the 8th of May, 2008, he left the house, telling his sister Kate that he was going out for a walk. He loved nature and often went out hiking alone, so his sister thought little of the farewell but when he failed to return later that evening, worry settled in. Having always been such a free spirit, at first the worry was only a small nagging in the back of their minds, however, as the days passed and Josh had still not returned, his father took the sudden disappearance more seriously and on the 13th May, called the police to report Josh missing.

"I got up one morning," He said, "and Josh was there, then he just never came home. The next day he still didn't come home. I called his friends, nobody had seen him. Nobody knows where he is."

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