Chapter 1: Framed

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Once upon a time, in the enchanting land of Fairytales, there lived two girls named Lujielle and Laica. They were known for their kindness, beauty, and pure hearts. However, their lives took an unexpected turn when they were framed by two maidens named Christine and Jelian.

Christine and Jelian were jealous of Lujielle and Laica's popularity and wanted to be the most admired maidens in the land. They devised a wicked plan to tarnish the girls' reputation and make themselves the center of attention. They spread rumors and told lies about Lujielle and Laica, turning the entire Fairyland against them.

Lujielle and Laica were devastated by the betrayal of their supposed friends. They were heartbroken to see the people they once considered family turn their backs on them. Determined to clear their names, they embarked on a journey to find the truth and expose Christine and Jelian's deceit.

Meanwhile, in a small cottage on the outskirts of Fairyland, there lived a humble gardener named Alfred. Alfred had witnessed the entire plot unfold and knew the truth about the framing of Lujielle and Laica. He had seen Christine and Jelian scheming and spreading lies, but he was too afraid to speak up.

One day, as Alfred tended to the flowers in the garden, he noticed a beautiful butterfly fluttering nearby. The butterfly seemed to be guiding him towards the path of righteousness. Inspired by this magical encounter, Alfred decided it was time to reveal the truth.

Alfred made his way to the highest and goddess leader in Fairyland, a wise and just ruler known as Queen Seraphina. With a heavy heart, he confessed everything he had witnessed, exposing Christine and Jelian's wickedness.

Queen Seraphina listened attentively to Alfred's tale, her eyes filled with sadness and anger. She summoned Christine and Jelian to her court, where they were confronted with the evidence against them. Unable to deny their guilt any longer, the two maidens confessed to their treachery.

The people of Fairyland were shocked and appalled by Christine and Jelian's actions. They realized the true nature of Lujielle and Laica, who had always been kind and compassionate. The Fairyland community rallied around the two girls, offering their apologies and support.

As for Christine and Jelian, they were banished from Fairyland forever, never to be seen or heard from again. Lujielle and Laica were reinstated as the beloved maidens of Fairyland, their names cleared and their reputations restored.

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