Chapter 3: Finding the Gardener

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As Lujielle and Laica continued their journey, they couldn't help but wonder about Alfred, the kind-hearted gardener who had been falsely accused. They had always believed in his innocence and knew that the truth would eventually come to light.

One day, as they arrived in a small village, they heard whispers of a wise old sage who possessed the ability to see the truth in any situation. Intrigued, they sought out the sage and shared Alfred's story with him.

The sage listened intently, his eyes filled with wisdom. After a moment of contemplation, he revealed that he had seen visions of Alfred's plight and knew that he had been wronged. With his guidance, Lujielle, Laica, and their companions set off on a quest to find Alfred and bring him the justice he deserved.

Their journey led them through treacherous forests and across vast oceans until they finally reached a secluded cottage deep in the heart of the enchanted woods. There, they found Alfred, living a simple life surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Overwhelmed with joy, Lujielle and Laica embraced Alfred, tears of happiness streaming down their faces. They explained how their story had spread far and wide, and how they had become symbols of hope and forgiveness. Alfred, humbled by their words, forgave those who had wronged him and joined their mission to spread love and compassion throughout the land.

With Alfred by their side, their message resonated even more deeply with the people they encountered. The trio traveled to kingdoms far and wide, sharing their tale of redemption and inspiring others to seek truth and forgiveness.

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