chapter 21

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I woke up with yet another excruciating ache in my back. But it was okay because she was with me so do I give a fuck about any of my body parts hurting? Nope, absolutely not. I mean I can feel absolutely no pain around her, like my leg could be getting amputated and if she were by my side, I'd feel no pain, none.

Her presence let alone makes me feel like a little boy who can do anything and say anything without thinking twice. Her head rested on my chest, and it was like holding a piece of heaven in my arms.

And waking up with her in my arms, for two fucking days in a row? I'm literally winning in life I swear. And I cherish it.

She moved slightly because of my heavy breathing and made a cute little sound, I brushed the hair off her face, "Good morning beautiful" I said

She craned her neck to look at me and slightly opened her eyes, "Hi?" oh my god, she looks like a fucking angel even when she just woke up.

"How did I not notice you in school sweetheart?" I muttered mostly to myself, but I guess she heard me, "Because you had your eyes out only for her," she said, her eyes closed and her arms wrapped around me.

"Who?" i asked, 

"Someone," she muttered again,

"I only have eyes out for you now, all parts of you?" I asked

"I really think you're literally hormonal teenager sometimes," she said, looking up and detaching herself from me.

"What?" I gasped,

She sat up straight and looked around for a second, she then yawned. She stretched her arms and god, adorable, so fucking adorable.

"You know that I can see you staring right?" she said

"What? I can't even look at my girl now?" I said, my girl

"My girl huh?"

"Yes." i said, 

I stood up and walked around the place while Maya stayed on the bench, checking her phone. I took in the breath of fresh air and the scent of flowers. Beautiful, mornings are beautiful to me, other than them just being another day just to exist, not live, but just exist.

I closed my eyes to take in everything around me but I turned my head with a jerk when I heard Maya gasp, "Are you okay? Everything good?" I asked walking back towards her and sitting beside her. She turned to look at me, with her eyes fuming with anger, "Someone leaked the blueprints of this upcoming project I'm working on, and I'm sure who that someone is" she finished, her voice deeper than before.

'I- What?" I stammered, unable to form any words

"Okay so, I've been working on this vacation home for this old couple who are like family to me and I wanted to build that home on an island in Hawaii but Mr. Vijayvargiya is after every single piece of land that I choose for the leisure project that I take up," she said all in one breath. I brushed the hair off her face, "Can I kill this, Mr. Vijayvargiya?" I asked and she burst out laughing.

"No baby I don't want you to get your hands dirty," she said, and I smiled.

"I'm hungry, can we go back to my place?" she asked

"Sure we can sweetheart. I was just waiting for you to bring food up and can I cook you something though?" I replied

"You want to cook for me?" she raised her eyebrows and blinked in surprise, "Of course, I want to, I know you enough to know what you like,"  I said getting up, and she followed what I did.

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