School Scedule

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I'm showing you guys my school schedule so you can see when I may be able to update.

First hour: 7:5p-8:50. Biology. Not really.

Second hour: 8:56-9:53. Theatre. Not really.

Third hour: 9:59-10:56. Math. Usually, I can.

Four hour: 11:02-11:59. Choir. Nope.

Fifth hour: 12:05-1:02. Keystone/History. (History  now.) Usually, I can.

Sixth hour: 1:08-2:05. Lunch. Ofc I can! I have an entire hour. I don't take an hour to eat school food :3

Seventh hour: 2:11-1:07. English. Not really.

Choir and Theatre, we don't have our phones out at all. They are out in out bags, not our pockets or the table/bleachers/floor. Except if we have a tech check in Theatre. (That is where we get to use our tech :3

I try to do it in any class IF I get free time. Like in English, Biology and Theatre.

Thanks if you understand! :3

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