Chapter 22

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It was the day of the ball, and all eyes were on me.

The past two days leading up to this event had been the worst days of my life, all because of Keial.

That night, two days ago when Keial had visited me in my bedroom, just like he said, word had somehow gotten out that 'The King had a servant lover' and it wasn't long until my name came into focus.

It wasn't like I didn't know this wouldn't happen, I would rather it come out now rather than later, at least this way I had time to prepare myself for what followed.

I had been gossiped about, talked about within ear range, glared at, and to my surprise I had gained somewhat of a positive following within the castle.

I was used to being invisible ever since I arrived here, but now with these 'followers' I felt like wherever I went, so did they.

My mornings were not met with constant wonder from female servants if 'Keial was in love with me' or asking whether or not 'I was in love with him'.

The full day, leading up to this moment, standing beside him dressed in fine clothes fit for royalty, I had been watched and walked on eggshells.

"Remember your duty." Keial leaned down and whispered in my ear, then smirked ever so slightly as his lips grazed my cheek.

My 'duty', how could I forget?

This was the moment I either failed or achieved the purpose of our deal, everything until now had been leading up to this, and there was no way I was going to fail.

I had to convince everyone in that room that I, Felix, was the King's lover, and madly in love with him.


I laughed at something someone said as I stood closely next to Keial, our shoulders touching as I listened and smiled at what the man in front of me was saying as he told a story.

"Truly it was a wonderful day, filled with the finest beverages, women, and food the King had to offer." He said, as I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes or sigh.

An Alpha from a northern pack, he was massive, he was called Bigor and the name suited him, as he was a large tall man with muscle, yet sported a big gut of a belly.

"Those days seem like a century ago." Keial hummed as I sipped the strong liquid in my glass.

I looked around the room and saw that the event was in full swing, filled with the most beautiful women, and wealthy powerful men, it was something I may never see again, and every time I looked away from what Keial was doing to look around, I was left in 'awe'.

This wasn't my world.

I was nothing like these people.

"Felix?" I heard Keial say my name, making me snap out of my thoughts.

Everyone in the circle of people who were around us was now looking at me, making me swallow nervously whilst trying my best not to make it obvious I wasn't listening.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I smiled, and looked at Bigor, as I ignored the look in Keial's eye.

"I asked if you were a hunting man, you look like you'd be a winter wolf." Bigor asked, reaching out to pat me on the shoulder.

"If you ever need a pack, my lands are open to one of Keial's men."

I stared at him and nodded my head, what did he mean by one of 'Keial's men'?

"Oh, I don't h-"

"I don't plan on letting this one go." Keial's voice sent shivers down my body, as he grabbed hold of my hand and intertwined it in his, and then brought my hand to his lips.

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