Chapter 3

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Here is chapter 3! Enjoy!

A woman stood before a shadowy gate that opened five feet above the ground. She had gorgeous, long black hair and beautiful violet eyes. Three Specters fell through the portal, landing in a dog pile with groans escaping them.

The woman, Pandora, stared wide-eyed at the three soldiers of Hades. Along their bodies were burns, scraps, and blood. She tried to understand how this could have happened, but it couldn't have been the Gemini Saint. If Defteros attacked, these three would already be dead. Instead, they whined in pain like wounded puppies. Pandora concluded that someone else had defeated them.

"Why were you three on Kanon? You were never given the authority to approach. Also, who dared to defy the Specters of Lord Hades?" Pandora demanded with narrowed eyes, awaiting an answer.

The three Specters met eyes with each other, making worried faces. Basilisk shifted his eyes from side to side, biting his lip. He opened his mouth, but silence followed for a few seconds. "The face of the person who gave the order has faded from our memory. We were to kill an apprentice Saint before he grew into his power, but the boy was stronger than we expected. It's possible we were already too late, and he gained a cloth, but to our shame, he never summoned it," he finally replied.

Pandora growled in fury. Someone ordered the Specters of Lord Hades to kill a future Saint without notifying her! Whoever this entity was, they were smart to erase their identity from the Specters' minds. If they hadn't, she would have found them and killed them for going behind her back.

"Now, now. There's no reason to be so angry, Pandora. That is but a sliver of their true crime." A blond, spiky-haired man in a priest robe lined with gold appeared from thin air - at least to Pandora. She spun around with a soft gasp, eyeing the man with fear dancing in her eyes. The man lifted a hand and gestured toward the Specters. "After all, the boy they speak of has yet to gain his armor. So, a mere child defeated them. One who would have killed them if you left them there."

Pandora's rage returned, replacing the fear the man before her provoked in seconds. Her knuckles whitened with how tight her fists were, and her pupils rivaled the size of a needlepoint. Her teeth gritted against each other so hard they felt like they could break. Red filled her vision. How could this have happened? How could three Specters of Hades lose to a child who wasn't even a Bronze Saint?! It wasn't possible! She refused to accept that a child could overcome such power. These three must be weak to a humiliating level!

With a furious roar, Pandora summoned a thunderbolt to strike the unsuspecting Specters. Listening to their screams was like a blessing to her black soul. She electrocuted them for ten seconds before letting up. She let them catch their breath before she moved on. "You three are a disgrace. I'll deal with you later to deliver your punishments, but for now, get OUT OF MY SIGHT!"


With a wave of Pandora's hand, the three Specters vanished, sent to the dungeon to await their due. The man observed as she dropped and knelt before him, head bowed low, and dared not look up.

"Forgive me, Lord Hypnos, for not greeting you when you graced us with your presence. Also, please pardon those three for embarrassing Lord Hades' army," she stuttered.

Hypnos smirked in amusement and walked around the woman. "It matters not. This child has piqued my interest. After all, it should be impossible for a human to have so much power. Now, Pandora. Those three are waiting for you. Try not to be too hard on them, will you?" The blond God paced away from the woman and out of the room.

Hypnos strolled into his room and sat on a black mat. He couldn't wait to learn more about this Saint-in-training. After all, he was aware of how Defteros was. He had never taken on a student before, so this child must be someone special.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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