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Not edited lololol

  Hybrids. They've been around for almost two decades now. They were at first bred scientifically, but now they're bred naturally. That doesn't quite make it right, however. You've always thought it was wrong. Hybrids had the same IQ and emotional stats as humans, and yet they were pets. Luckily, nowadays abuse cases are at the lowest they've been. It's a small comfort to know that.
"Are you ready to go, (Y/N)? I'm so excited to meet my future hybrid!" Yuki Asamoto. Your childhood friend. Whatever hybrid she did end up with, was going to be very very happy. She was a kind soul, you had even see her do a funeral for a plant that had passed in the office. She's single and most of her family lives in the States right now, so she's looking for a hybrid to keep her company.
She had been trying to convince you for ages now to get your own. You both worked cushy office jobs thanks to your amazing grades in college and you both had more time and money on your hands than you knew what to do with. Your apartment was huge anyways, it had been a gift from your grandmother who owned a decently sized business of her own.
But there was still something about actually owning a hybrid that made you take pause, but you agreed to go with her to just look. It was the least you could do for your dear friend.

You and her drove to the hybrid shop called "Purple." It had amazing reviews and it seemed like all the hybrids there were greatly taken care of, they even did extensive background checks as they had a zero toleration for abuse or sex work.
You and Yuki giggled softly as you walked in. The place was absolutely huge. A man with a soft smile greeted us.
"Are you two Yuki and (Y/N)?"
We nodded softly at him and his smile widened as he led us over to a room that had a large window so we could see inside. It was filled to the brim with adorable bunnies.
"When you two made your reservation you both stated that you had no idea what type of hybrid would be best for you. So I figured I'd let you see all that we have! This is our most popular - the bunny selection. Yuki squeaked in absolute delight and immediately headed into the room with the man. You stayed outside as you still felt insanely uncomfortable and although bunnies were adorable, you wanted a hybrid you could cuddle with even in their animal form and you'd be too scared to squish the bunny.
After fifteen minutes Yuki left the room happily swaying before she gave you a playful glare.
"I thought we agreed you would at least try to find a hybrid? How can one try if they don't even go inside to meet the hybrids??"
You winced and gave her a sheepish smile.
"Sorry Yuki! I'll go inside on the next one!"
The man then led you and Yuki over to another room. This one was filled with adorable cats.
You walked in with Yuki and the man and she immediately squealed and leaned down to coo softly at the kittens. You smiled softly at how cute your friend was being when you noticed something tugging at your shirt.
You looked down and let out a gasp. A whole ass white tiger was gently biting the bottom of your shirt and tugging you in the other direction.
You raised an eyebrow but nodded at the hybrid, who almost seemed to smile at you as it let go of your shirt and walked over to a black panther hybrid, who was lying in the corner of the room and watching you.
You walked over to the two and the white tiger hybrid gently stomped its paw, almost as if asking you to sit by the black panther.
You didn't want to make either of them uncomfortable so you hesitated.
"You want me to sit by you?"
Both the white tiger and the black panther nodded at you so you nodded back and, feeling a little silly, slowly and gently sat down by the black panther hybrid who immediately sniffed at your hand before nuzzling into it and purring softly.
The white tiger snorted happily and flopped its fully body weight into your lap, loudly purring as you leaned a gentle hand to pet its head.
The man walked over to you with a stunned expression.
"Satoru is usually pretty friendly with strangers, but this is the first time I've seen Suguru allow anyone near him!"
You blink at him owlishly.
"Eh? Satoru and Suguru?"

The man smiled.
"Yes, The white tiger hybrid is Satoru and the black panther is Suguru. They've never left since they got here as they're a pack. They refuse to be adopted without the other, and owning two exotic cats is a challenge."
At his words, Satoru lifted his large head and stared at you with the bluest eyes you had ever seen. He huffs and gently lays his head on your chest. Suguru wraps his tail around your arm tightly and leans his head also into you.
It seems like your brain simply turned off.
"I think...I think I'd like to adopt them. Both of them."
Both Suguru and Satoru perked up, Satoru leaning in to happily lick at your face and Suguru nuzzling his large head into the back of your hair.

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