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"Good Evening folks! I'm Maeve Tondria, your reporter tonight, and this Channel 2, Alaskan News. Today's story is a rather last minute one and is still in development but we're here to give you too quality news at top quality speeds!

Our story began at 4:37 earlier today when the west coast guard reported an unidentified small boat in this distance, and though the general public would believe that it was just a fishing boat, firsthand witnesses reported that this did not look like any fishing boat they'd ever seen before.

Later descriptions reported a man on board as looking rather raggedy, sporting an overgrown beard and nothing but rags. And at 5:12, it was confirmed that the approaching man was not on a ship at all, but a makeshift raft.

At 5:29, the man was boarded onto a west coast patrol ferry and reports say the man was in a rather unruly state, speaking wildly and incomprehensibly about being stranded and a boating trip gone wrong. The scene was described as rather manic. When people were finally able to understand the man's words, the story finally began coming together. The man's boat had sunk a few hundred miles off the point of Anchorage and he'd been stranded on what remains as an unidentified island for over two years.

The man, now identified as Axel Tzinzana, twenty-three-year-old old resident of Eaglesburg, Washington, has since been taken to the Anchorage general hospital, where more details were just released from; Axel was not alone when his boat sunk. He had been on a whale-watching trip to Barrow with his brother, Everett Tzinzana, who had been just eighteen at the time.

Another shocking detail of this story is that Axel was in fact not the first castaway to survive on that very island. It has been reported that he lived off the supplies left by none other than Garo Javionaro, a passenger on the mysterious flight 247 that disappeared into the sea almost one hundred years ago. This is now revealing shocking details into the ancient story of this flight.

Truly, this is the most action this news station has seen in a very long time. The story is still building itself and all primary details will be revealed on this station first and foremost, so be sure stay tuned in for updates on this and other ear-itching stories.

Once again, I'm Maeve Tondria, and this is Channel 2 Alaskan News."

CastawayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz