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All rights of PJO and Ho belong to Rick Riordan and Hyperion Books for children. Any references or any mention of movies/books/series belong to the designated proprietor.


Ok, I'm done with that, now it's time for introductions.
Hello to all of my readers!
I am proud to say that this is my first book on wattpad. There will be no mention of TOA, so every character in PJO and HOO will be a few years older than they are in the Riordan series. Percy will be over 18 in this timeline, so be wary of some mature themes.
Mature- Swear words, blood, gore, and a slight mention of rape and incest.
Before you ask, I might put a little lemon but nothing is decided yet.
I'm still not finished editing, but I am getting there.
I hope you like it!
Melody at your service.
(I appreciate criticism and advice; as this is a book I plan to upload as I write it. I don't have a proper uploading schedule for the same reason. Hope you enjoy the book)

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