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(A/N) Warning! might have mentions of mature contents.
-3rd person-
2 days after the giant war.

In the aftermath of the colossal showdown against Gaea, Camp Half-Blood stood as a living memorial to the grit of demigods. The once boisterous grounds now carried the weight of their victories and the echo of departed comrades. Percy Jackson, battle-weary and adorned with the scars of triumph, felt the palpable shift in the air. The scent of pine mingled with the lingering traces of ambrosia and the poignant aroma of memories etched in the very soil beneath his feet.

The demigods, having weathered the storm, found solace in the flickering campfires that danced like ancestral spirits against the dark canvas of the night. Yet, Percy, despite the apparent tranquility, sensed an unspoken tension threading through the camaraderie. The haunting melody of the Oracle's cryptic prophecies lingered in the air, casting an enigmatic shadow over the newfound peace.

As the flames cast a warm glow on the faces of the demigods gathered around, Percy's gaze wandered to the carved faces on the Memorial Arch. Chiron, the wise centaur, wore a look of both pride and sorrow, while Annabeth's eyes sparkled with memories that transcended the victories they had celebrated together. It was a mosaic of emotion, a tapestry woven from the threads of triumph and the tears of loss.

The air buzzed with campfire tales and the laughter of demigods, yet Percy's mind was adrift. His sea-green eyes reflected not just the reflection of flames but the depths of a soul grappling with the weight of prophecy. The Oracle's words had etched themselves into his consciousness, creating a chasm between the present and an uncertain future.

In the silence between stories, Percy felt the unspoken questionw hanging in the air like an unresolved chord. The heroes who had stood united against Gaea's forces now faced an uncharted narrative, one where the wounds of war transcended the physical and delved into the very essence of their existence.

Percy's fingers absentmindedly traced the hilt of Riptide as he sat on the edge of the campfire glow, the camp's heartbeat pulsating beneath him. His mind replayed the war and his heart bled remembering the details. Details a part of his brain wanted to forget; but somewhere inside him scoffed at his thoughts to forget his friends, no, family's death. Death he could have prevented if had trained a little more, been a little faster. But how could he, he couldn't, they weren't memories he could bury and try to forget it was the truth. As he mourned his brothers death, the lingo of demigods, a dialect spoken in the shared battles against mythic adversaries, echoed around him. The air tasted of both celebration and an undercurrent of unrest, a paradox only the children of gods could comprehend. What no one noticed was the seas child grip on the cursed blade and the copperish crimson blood that flowed. No even the demigod himself.

The prologue of a new saga unfolded beneath the stars, where the demigods' destinies awaited the ink of uncertainty to inscribe their next chapter.

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