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Hello makkaley,
Idhu unga writer maya yeludhuren

Sorry makaley konjom naala yennoda book la concentrate pannadhu nala idhula post podala adhukaga oru sorry poem

Sorry I couldn't post, my dear friend,
My words got stuck, my mind did bend.
I tried to type, but oh so slow,
My fingers froze, my thoughts did flow.

The words I meant to say, they fled,
My mind was blank, my heart was dead.
I couldn't find the right words, you see,
My apologies, my dear, for my lack of glee.

My fingers fumbled, my mind did race,
I struggled to find the right pace.
I hope you understand, my dear,
My apologies for my lack of cheer.

But now I'll try again, with all my might,
To write a poem that's just right.
I'll find the words, I'll make it flow,
My apologies, my dear, will soon be go.


Nandri vanakam,

I love you,
You love yourself,
Everyone around you will love you

I will see you in my next episode,
Untill the it's your Maya saying bye 🥰

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