A Birthday Morning Chaos

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Aurora woke up to her daughter, Annabelle, jumping on the bed. She chuckles as she playfully knocked the girl down with a pillow. "Good morning, Anna-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AURORA!!" Maxwell, Aurora's boyfriend, and her bestie, Sarai, hollered out happily along with the child. They all hugged her tightly.

"Awwwwwwww! You are all so sweet! But at six in the morning?" She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and covered her face with her blanket.

"We have plans, mi Amiga!" Sarai exclaimed.

"To where? Definitely not to where we grew up. I mean, I do not mind, Just not wanting the hassle of traffic. Like last year." At that, Sarai's face went pale like she just saw a ghost. That was my original plan... Shoot.

"Do not worry, Love. It will not be a road trip this time. Besides, you have work today." Max kisses her on the head before dragging Sarai out to the kitchen.

Okay.... What are those two crazies doing...?

She soon got dressed and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Where she found Max and Sarai looking through the kitchen cabinets and taking out baking utensils.

"Um.... What are you two doing? Also, do I smell El Salvadorian empanadas?!" Her mouth began to water.

"Yup! Also, we are not are doing nothing sketchy...!" Sarai quickly hides a mixing bowl under a large soup pot with a dish towel and smiles an awkward smile. Max rolls his eyes and scoffs.

The birthday girl blinks as she chews on an empanada. "Okay...? Also, these empanadas are delicious!"

Maxwell smiles. "Made them myself. Someone was originally supposed to help me." He glares at his friend.

"Shut up, Max! I was still trying to get the sleep out of my eyes!"

"Whatever. At least I have made enough for Aurora to eat for breakfast on the go! Or even as a snack!" He hands his girlfriend a bag full of the delicious El Salvadoran treat with a smile and kiss.

Aurora chuckled. "Thanks. Also, you guys doing anything fun while I am at work?"

Sarai began to sweat. "Uhhhhhhh........ No.... Not really...."

Aurora blinks but shrugged. "Okay....? Got to go! Bye!"

She rushed out the door after giving hugs and kisses.

Sarai finally lets out a breath she did not know she was holding. "Phew! I did not want to spoil the sur- AH! MAXWELL, SOMETHING IS BURNING!!"

"AHHH!!! THE SURPRISE!!! CRAP!!!" The young cop quickly turned off the heat and looks at the burnt dessert. Totally charred. "Crap. Well, time to start over..."

"Well, we do have the whole day before Aurora comes back to make another few batches!"

"Yeah. Another thirty batches." He jokes.

"Not thirty batches, you loco."

"Hey, we are going to give the birthday girl the best. And you..." He drops a whisk into her hands. "...Will get started while I made the frosting."

Sarai looked at the whisk boredly.

"I would rather be asleep until eight. But, alright. Anything to make the bday girl happy. Even though working with you is a bit of a humorous nightmare."

"Says who?!" Max glares at her.

"Says the guy who just burnt whatever was in that pan." She gestures towards the charred dessert.

"...Good point. Also, you distracted me!"

Sarai just chuckled. This is going to be a fun day!

Birthday Love *Birthday Special For @Vast18rose ❤️!! 2024*Where stories live. Discover now