Chapitre 1 How it all begging

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In our world, fairies and humans are in war. Humans want to get rid or capture all the fairies while the fairies try to defend themselves. Like you can imagine, it's an unfair fight. Humans are stronger, taller and more numerous than fairies. The war has been going on for years now, and the number of fairies has decreased considerably while humans keep spreading everywhere in the world.

I'm Layda and I'm a fairy. A week ago, I was taking a nap in the forest under some leaves after a long walk. When I woke up, I could feel like I was swinging slightly. I could hear someone whistling. As I opened my eyes I found out I was in the air. It took me some time to realize what was happening. I was in a glass jar in a human's hand. I panicked, I had to get out of here. Close spaces like this were making me sick, even more when I didn't choose to be in it. I started to hit the jar as strong as I could, which only managed to make my fist hurt.

- My, my... look who's finally awake. Hello there.
It was my kidnapper. It looked like he realized I was awake. I was in danger, I really was in a lot of danger. Humans were never up to anything good. I hit the glass again. I couldn't stay here. I had to run away as far as I could. I couldn't stay in this human's hands. My despair seemed to amuse my kidnapper.
- What a feisty one. You can try all you want, you won't get out. It's a very thick glass.
He was getting on my nerves. But as he said that, I had an idea. I looked up and saw the cork. If the glass was thick maybe the cork could be my way out. I started to hit the cork to open the jar. I gave strong kicks to it even if it didn't seem to move. I couldn't give up. It made him laugh, and he placed his hand on the cork so it doesn't move
- Good try but no. You're pretty smart for a fairy. But I can't let you get away. A nuisance like you can't stay out here. Plus, you cost a fortune these days...
He smirked. What an asshole. Of course he wanted to sell me like I was some kind of object. The anger spoke and I couldn't help but gave him a middle finger which visibly surprised him.

- You're a very angry one. Most of the fairies would have begged for their lives already. Not being sassy.
He said it in a strict tone but he was smirking and his face showed interest in me. Whatever, I had to find a way out. Maybe I should wait for an opportunity... It would probably be better.

So I waited. He didn't give me another word during the path. It was better like this, I largely preferred silence than his unpleasing voice.

After some minutes, we arrived at a house which, I assumed, was his. The house wasn't very big for a human one. He entered and we went into a room which seemed like a bedroom. There was a bed in a corner under a window which was the main source of light. Next to the bed, at the left, was a library unit filled with a lot of sorts of books and some decorations like plants, sculptures... On the far left, there was a door with another window on it. In the same wall was the door that connected this room to the rest of the house which was the one we went through. Between the two doors was a huge desk with some paper on it.

I looked at him. As I saw he wasn't paying much attention to me anymore I prepared myself and gave the strongest hit I ever gave in my life to the jar. To his and my own surprise it made him lose his grip on the jar and it fell to the ground making it broke and torn in pieces. I was free ! As I tried to get up I could feel pain in my whole body. Considering the height of the fall and all this broken glass it wasn't surprising I got hurt. But I couldn't afford to wait to recover. I get up despite the pain and start to fly away. That's when I suddenly felt something grabbing one of my wings tightly. It was almost breaking it. I suddenly get pushed back on the floor violently and the pain becomes worse. I was freaking out. The man would definitely not be happy that I tried to escape. What will he do to me now ? I looked at his face and he was indeed really pissed off. Shoot.
- Did you really think you could get away like this ?
His tone makes me shiver, he was pretty intimidating right now, even more since he was so giant compared to me. He was looking at me with a very bad look. I screwed up, I knew it.
- You're very smart. Too smart for your own good. You may be a little too dangerous to keep for too long. I don't even know if i should keep you until the auction or just get rid of you right now and here.

My heart raced. Was he planning to kill me ? No. No, I couldn't die, not right now. I tried to fly away but fastly realized his earlier grip hurted my wings. I was blocked on the ground. I was too small to be fast enough. I tried to fly again but it only caused me to wince in pain. As he saw my expression he let out a chuckle and smirked.
- You know what ? I'm just gonna crush you. It will do one less nuisance on this Earth. And the world couldn't be happier with it.
It paralyzed me in fear. What should I do ? What should I do ? I had to protect them. I couldn't die now. His feet were getting closer to me. I was going to be crushed. I could see his smile, it was amusing to this sadist psychopath.
As i felt like it was the end, i closed my eyes, looked away and held the last thing i had tightly, trying to protect it with all i had even if i knew that it couldn't survive if i didn't.

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