Chapitre 1 How it all begin (part 2)

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(The human' Pov)

This fairy had really pissed me off. Never mind the money, I was going to crush her. And i couldn't lie, seeing her so helpless and pathetic was making me so superior and satisfied. I couldn't keep myself from smirking. I was about to crush her. After all she was only a useless fairy. A stupid little creature who used their magic to torment humans. We were better without them. It needed to get exterminated.

That's when I noticed a strange detail. She wasn't trying to protect her head like most people would, but only her belly, like she... That's when an idea popped into my mind, "could it be possible ? Was she... ?" It made me freeze and before I could think about it, the question escaped my mouth.
"- Are you pregnant ?" I asked.
She looked at me, clearly scared, but didn't answer. I put my feet down without crushing her like I planned to do a few seconds earlier. I then asked again.
"-Answer me. Are you pregnant ?"
I could see her worries in her eyes. It made me smile a bit. I couldn't understand why I even stopped. Why am I not just crushing her instead of asking her things like that. But what if she was really pregnant ? I was pretty sure she was. After all, now that I looked closer, her belly was indeed a bit round. I kneel down to look at her closer. I then tried to reassure her to get the answer to my question.
"- Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you or your future baby if you are. I just want to know..."
My tone was unusual to myself with usual fairies. Since when did I ever have such a soft tone for these pathetic creatures ? I was getting annoyed by myself. That's when i heard her little voice for the first time
"- I... I-i am."
Her voice was a bit shaky and hesitating. Not a very big surprise since I was about to kill her a minute ago.

As I heard her answer my eyes widened. She was pregnant ? She had a baby fairy in her womb right now ? Holy shit ! For a surprise it was a big one. I never ever met a pregnant fairy before. I wasn't even sure it could get pregnant. I had so many questions right now. But also hesitation. What was I going to do with her now ? Will I really kill a pregnant fairy woman ? I found it too harsh but after all i couldn't just let a fairy carrying a baby go when i was supposed to keep this species from spreading. I could always sell her, but here again she would probably get killed and her baby too. Oh god... I didn't sign for this. I only wanted to enjoy these little monsters' suffering and here I was, trying to decide what to do with a fairy pregnant. What was I supposed to do now ?
"- So... How many babies do you carry right now ?"
I was too curious. I had to ask all the questions I had before deciding anything.
"- O-one..." she answer
She had a really low voice, probably due to how small she was. It would be surprising if this little thing was making a huge sound. So she had one baby... I couldn't believe it. Another question popped in my mind.
"- Is it your first ? i asked
- No..."
It was a mother ! Even if I hated fairies, she was still a mother of one child and a future two... What was I even thinking about ? A fairy was a fairy. Why should I care if she had children or not. It's not my problem. At the end of this discussion, I would still get rid of her and that's all. There was no hesitation to have. Fairies were monsters. Even if she had a baby, babies grow and become adults and this adult could cause problems.
But it didn't hurt to ask more questions. It stay an interesting subject
"- So how old is your first ?"
No answer, great. Me who was starting to think it could be useful and interesting, here she wasn't even answering anymore. There's no way I was letting this little thing ignore my question like this. I wanted to get more information now. So I threatened her, not expecting the answer she would give me.

This one word was enough to make me freeze. They were dead ?! How ? When ? at which age. But the fairy didn't answer a lot of questions. "He was 4", that's all she added.

I was pretty sure she let it die. It's not like it was rare that fairies kill or abandon their child. I, myself, saw a lot of orphan fairies. These little things were cruel and selfish. And so I didn't hesitate to make her remarks.
"I'm sure you let them die. What an awful mother. I should just do a favor to the baby you're carrying right now and end them with you here."
As the words left my mouth, I knew deep inside me I crossed the line. But I didn't care. That's when I saw the fairy getting furious. I touched a sensitive point it seemed.
" What do you mean by that ?! What makes you think I did something this cruel ?!"
That was the first time I heard her talk this loud. She was really angry. And for some reason, at this moment, it only made my smile increase.

"- Come on... We all know how fairies are. You're selfish creatures. I saw how many fairies children are alone out there.
-Maybe if your kind stopped genocide our's there would be less orphans !"
That was actually true. But did she just raise her voice at me ?! She should know her place. It wasn't because I spared her a minute ago that she was untouchable. Even her future baby wasn't a barrier. So I responded to her coldly.
"- We wouldn't genocide your kind if you were not tormenting us with your magic. You're only sadistic creatures who take pleasure in human's pain !
- Tormenting you ? We're not the one burning your village and killing your family ! You're the monster here ! And we never tortured anyone. We may have teased humans a bit in the past, making little traps and jokes like making someone lose themself for a bit. But we never tortured anyone."

After that things quickly got out of hand. We continued to argue like this, blaming each other's species.
- "We're only regulating the number of fairies. You're a real nuisance who keeps spreading if no one regulates it.
- Say the one who has more than billions of people of his species in the world ! And it's not like humans need a small space. No. You need a lot of space, stealing it from everyone and everything else ! And you're calling us a nuisance ?! We're not even half as much as you are ! And we only need not even a quarter of the place you need !" she added.
It was true. Fairies needed way less space and resources than us. But I couldn't lose against her right now. So as my blood started to boil I continued.
- "Maybe, but at least we grow plants and we create things. What fairies do except play tricks on everything they meet ?!
- A lot of things ! We help animals and plants. We protect the forest and sacred places. Moreover, the plants you, humans, grow aren't for everyone but only for you ! You're selfish ones ! You're only monsters who steal from others ! We were here before you ! But you keep bullying and genocide all the magic species because you have a freaking superiority complex !"

As she said that, I saw red. I wasn't thinking anymore and had the urge to hurt her. So I did. I took one of her wings tightly and pulled slightly on it, just to hurt her.
-"That is exactly what I was saying ! You're only a monster ! She yelled
- You should have thought twice before insulting me, you insolent thing. When you make less than a inch you should learn to keep your mouth close"
I tighten my grip. She started to feel very uneasy. It was very visible on her face. But it only made me smile to see her like this.
-"What should I ? Even if I talk or if I keep quiet, it will end the same way ! You're gonna kill me anyway, don't you ?! You don't care if I'm pregnant. It could be a child you couldn't care less ! You would kill them anyway only because it's a fairy !
- Shut up !"
I tighten even more. Some tears started to form in her eyes. She was making me angry more and more, but her words were true. Damn it
-"No i won't ! You could kill a child in front of their parents without any problems !
- You-
- You could even kill a whole family one by one so they could see each other die and take pleasure from it, you psycho !
- I told you, to SHUT UP"
I felt hateful. I tighten my grip even more, pressing her wing with too much strength. I heard a crack and after that, the fairy let out a horrible scream of pain. I let go of her and she busted into tears and her legs collapsed. That's when I realized what I had done...
I had just broken her wing.

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