Chapter One

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Chapter One

The roads are slippery and frozen, the constant snowfall sticking to the pavement and becoming one thick sheet of ice as the storm blows on. The small car can barely keep up with the snow that keeps piling onto the unplowed roads in an icy frenzy. The salt and cinders that were placed there in an attempt to ward off the impending snow storm, doing absolutely nothing to stop the icy precipitation from laying onto the black cement of the roads.

The blizzard hit slightly after the omega had ventured out of the safety of the city of Seoul, but instead of turning back like he should have, the determined omega just kept trekking on. It was the biggest storm of the year and everyone knew that it was supposed to be wicked and worse than any they've seen in years, but the boy wasn't dissuade by the news, or even his roommate who begged him not to attempt the journey in such a storm and to just stay at college for the holidays.

He had promised his grandmother that he would make it home for Christmas and he was determined to keep that promise to the woman that had raised him since he was just a pup. Being the only family that each of them has, it was a rough decision to move to the big city to pursue his college degree in teaching, but the older alpha woman was nothing but completely proud of her omega grandson for pursuing his future.

The boy had to finish his final exam for the semester before heading out on his trip, or he would have completely missed the storm. Instead, he only ends up landing himself in driving straight through the heart of it. That is just the omega's luck, he always does seem to put himself into dangerous situations with how utterly stubborn he is.

No matter if he knows the risks, if he's determined to do something, then he's going to do everything in his power to try and achieve it, even if that digs him into a hole in the end. Hopefully this decision doesn't dig him into a hole big enough that he can't climb out of, in the end.

The heavy wind is brutal as it blows the car back and forth along the roadway. The large white flakes impair the omega's view of the road in front of him, making it extremely difficult to tell where the road begins and ends. How he's able to stay on the road is a mystery to even the omega.

The roads ahead are only growing rougher, less paved and more rocky. That nice salt and cinders that was helping keep the snow on the roads to a bare minimum nowhere to be found as he moves further into the rural areas.

His small and modest car that he was just able to afford this past year with his savings from his part-time job, wasn't made for journeys like this, or snowy weather in general.

The little engine is barely keeping up as the tires slip and slide along the icy surface of the road, the omega tries his best to keep his car moving straight. His heart skips a beat when he takes notice of the Welcome to Crimson Moon sign posted on the side of the road, barely visible with the uncontrollable snow falling, but like the name the words are written in a dark crimson color that makes it almost impossible to miss, even in the snowy frenzy around them.

The omega has heard countless stories about the place named Crimson Moon. The unmanned territory that's filled with nothing but wilderness and rocky mountains. It's where no laws apply and where rogue wolves run completely wild. Living most of their lives in their more feral forms and living off of basic instincts.

It's talked about during parties at college when everyone is extra drunk and talking their best bullcrap. Telling scary stories that could have never even happened, but claiming that they are definitely true because so and so had that exact experience and lived to tell the tale.

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