iii: my kind of woman

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It's been three days since my last encounter with Eloise, but not once have I stopped thinking about her.

Her beautiful face is engraved in my mind.

"So what is up with you and Eloise?" Connor asks while studying my face

"Nothing, I just helped her." I answer casually

I don't think that anyone believes my words at this table because everyone starts laughing. Even Connor, the most gullible, doesn't look convinced.

After breakfast we all head to the Arena for training. Everyone is finding their partner except for Annabeth, Silena and Eloise. Eloise has a hairbrush in her hair and Silena other hair products. They sit down in the stands and starts to untangle Annabeths hair.

"Come on, lover boy." Chris says from behind me

I grab my sword and head in the direction where he is standing chatting with Clarisse. She looks annoyed with his presence, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"Are you coming?" I ask him

He nods and jogs up to me.

I quickly take a look back. My eyes linger on Eloise a little longer than on the others. She looks beautiful, like always. Her dark brown hair is straight, she has a black v-neck sundress on, that frames her body perfectly in all the right places.

"I didn't know you were a creep, Castellan." Clarisse voice rings in my ears making me quickly turn around

Chris and Clarisse have both smirks plastered on their faces.

"I'm just wondering why they're not training." I quickly come up with an excuse

"Silena and Eloise are braiding Annabeths hair." She says before walking away

"Wow, that was a good save." He says laughing and all I do is flip him off

After training, we all head to our cabins.

I can see Eloise, Clarisse, Silena and  Annabeth walking ahead of me.

I spot Thalia and make my way towards her.

"Where were you? I didn't see you all morning."

"Oh, so now you want me here. I thought I won't interrupt your time with miss I'm-better-than-everyone-else." She's clearly pissed

"Are you kidding me? I was not the one being a complete bitch and making everything about myself when something happened to a person."

I look at her one last time before walking away to my cabin. Right now I really don't want to see her.

When I walk in I see my siblings staring at a person.

I walk up to them to take a look at what's so interesting.

The same blonde boy that was in the infirmary laying unconscious, is now standing in font of us. He looks scared.

I signal everyone to mind their business, they all start doing what they were supposed to do.

Chris is still by my side.

"If you want to give me a hard time, please do it tomorrow." He says, I feel bad for him

"I heard what happened on the hill. You were really brave for killing that Minotaur and saving your mother."

"Im Luke." I add

"Percy... Percy Jackson." He says and shakes my hand

"I'm Chris." He suddenly says making us both look at him

"Come on, I'll show you around." I tell him before leading us towards the exit of the cabin

When we exit the cabin, Eloise is standing in front of us. Her hand is in the air as if she were about to knock.

"Hi." She says shyly

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me the other day."

Her eyes wander to Percy.

"You're the new kid, right?"

"Yeah. I'm Percy." He says reaching his hand out for her to shake it

"I'm Eloise." She reaches to shake his hand

We start to walk again, this time Eloise joins us.

When I see Clarisse approaching us, I already know it will not end well.

She pushes Percy to the ground. I can see Eloise wants to say something but before she does I say.

"Clarisse knock it off."

She looks at me annoyed.

"So you are the one that killed the Minotaur?" Her gaze is now fixed on Percy

"Yeah." I just know that him saying that word will get him in trouble

Eloise gives her a look and without saying anything Clarisse walks away with her minions.

"Are they always like this?"

"They come by it honestly." I tell him, receiving a disapproving look from Eloise

No they don't she mouths

"Why don't they mess with you?"

"They know better."

"So they leave you alone, because glory?" I nod

"So if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn't mess with me neither?"


"That is not true. Clarisse messes with people she doesn't like, and glory means nothing to her." Eloise voice makes us turn to her

Percy hopeful look drops.

Chris starts walking with Percy to the Arena, while I stay in front of Eloise.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because this kid needs to know the truth. You were just giving him hope."

A sigh leaves my mouth knowing she's right.

"I need to go after them. See you later?"

"See you later." She says

I watch her walk away to Silena that has a big smile plastered on her face. She looks at me and sends me a wink and makes out of her fingers a heart.

I laugh it off before jogging towards Percy and Chris.

"Was that your girlfriend?" Percy asks when I approach them

I choke on nothing. Chris starts laughing and Percy looks just confused.

"Please, he wishes, just like everybody else in this Camp." Chris says while wiping imaginary tears from his face

"Just like Chris said, she not my girlfriend."

"Come on, we'll find something you're good at." I add

We first start with archery. It's only us two because we lost Chris when Clarisse asked him for help demonstrating some techniques. He of course didn't hesitate to agree.

After a missed shot I realize that archery is not his thing.

The next thing we try is weapon making. Which ends up in a small fire.

We finally walk to the Mess Hall for Lunch.

Chris finally joins us and we sit down at the Hermes table.

"Is there a god of disappointment? Because I think he's missing a son." Percy says

Before either of us can say something, Eloise appears from nowhere and answers his question.

"Oizys, but she's a goddess and more of failure."

"You'll find something you're good at, don't worry." She tells him before walking to her table

"She's nice, I like her." Percy says

Trust me kid you're not the only one that likes her.

There's nothing to not like about her.

My kind of Love / Luke Castellan (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now