PART 2: Jokester

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Leo stood silent for a few minutes.

"... Uh, did I pop in at a wrong ti—.."


Leo lunged at him, keeping Foxey in a tight hug. Jess quickly ran over, gasping.

"Foxey!" She grinned widely, taking off her clown mask. She joined in on the hug, it felt like it was forever since they all were together.

After a few minutes, Leo and Jess retracted from Foxey, he was still slightly startled.

"I missed you both too." He smiled, clipping his aviators to his shirt.

"You.." Leo took off his sunglasses and wiped his eye. "...I thought you died."

"... I thought he went for a long walk..." Jess shrugged, smiling. Foxey couldnt help but chuckle, as Leo scoffed (nicely).

"Come on and sit!" She took his hand, leading him to the sleeping bags. "Leos couch..." She glanced over at him, as he eyed her back. " off limits." She rolled her eyes, sitting on one of the sleeping bags. "So, where have you been? What'd you do? Where'd you run off to? Why didn't you tell us? Why did you—"

"Jess!" Leo exclaimed, sighing. "I bet, if you'd let him speak, he'd probably tell us, yeah?" He walked over, sitting on the sofa.

"Oh yeah, you're probably right.." She did a hand gesture of zipping her mouth, grinning.

"Okay, so..." Foxey began. "It's a long story..."


Jess was half asleep, but Leo stayed attentive. "All of that.. and ye' didn't think to call us before ye' went out and did it?!" He threw his hands up. "I know I know!" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I would've if I was able to, trust me. But I had no way to contact you after I left." He explained. Leo wanted to comment back, but he just sat there.

Exhaling, he finally spoke. "Im just upset knowing that you were alive this whole time. I gave up trying to find yous and assumed yous had well... ye' know." He muttered. Foxey stood, wrapping his arms around Leo. "I know.. I have been trying to find you two, looked in all our old spots, nothin' helped. Then I realised that... you would never just leave. I couldn't give up. And... I didn't." He smiled, tearing up slightly as he rubbed his eyes. "Next time you plan to leave, don't leave us here, alright?" Leo smiled. Foxey snickered like a little kid. "Course."

The two of them looked over at Jess, who had fallen asleep already. Foxey set his cap on the desk. "Im happy to be back." He sat on the other sleeping bag.

"... We're happy to have you back." Leo nodded, still smiling. "Goodnight, Foxey."


"Goodnight, Leo."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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