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"Hyun woo, i think I'm ready for a child. i mean we have been together since high school, 9th grade the only this difference is that we have been married for 1 year what do you think?" Eunjoo asked her husband.

"I am too, i just thought you weren't ready." he said back to his wife.

"Really Hyun?" she asked hesitantly.

"of course, why would i not want a kid with my high school sweetheart?!
he spoke confidently.

"Ok then! so its settled. we're having a kid!" she said excitedly.

9 Months Later

NOVEMBER 14, 2003, 7:52pm

"Shes so pretty Hyun Woo! let's name her Kim Y/N" Eunjoo said to her husband about to cry.

"She is! and that name is so pretty I'm so happy to have you in my life Eunjoo. our baby is going to grow up to become a beautiful lady." he said to his wife in the hospital bed.


'RING RING' Eunjoo's phone rung when she had Y/N stuck to her leg while walking, she went over to her phone and saw that it was her best friend, Seo Yeon.

"Hey girl, what's up?" she spoke to her phone.

"Omg Eunjoo, you won't believe it! I'm pregnant and it's a boy! I already know what I'm going to name him!"

"SEO YEON! I'm so happy for you!! i can't wait to see him he's going to be the cutest little boy ever! OH! ykknow what, since we were best friends growing up they're going to be best friends when they grow up and they have no choice!"

"Ha, your so right! i can't wait!"

Eujoon and Seo Yeon were best friends from middle school and they both had kids 2 years apart. Eujoon's daughter was name Kim Y/N and Seo Yeon's son was named Kang Yeosang. they both declared that their kids would live a good life and that they would grow up becoming best friends.

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