Noco [Angst]

142 1 12

Requested by: officialgwoahc30
TW: Self-harm

"Cody, I'm home!" Noah said, tossing his keys into the little ash tray on the entry table.

"Cool!" Cody's voice emanated from somewhere in the house

"Where are you?" Noah asked, walking towards the kitchen

"In the bathroom." Cody yelled back

"What're you doing?"



"I'm gonna start dinner."


Noah took out some tomato sauce and noodles from the pantry. He also took out a pot and began to fill it with water.

He thought about his day. It wasn't a very good one. His boss hit on him again and he didn't finish his work today so he needed to pull an all-nighter. He was so exhausted he almost burst out into tears at the printer.

 The water touched his fingers and he realized her overfilled the pot.

"Shit." Shit. Shit."

"Hey babe," Cody said, walking into the kitchen "How's it going?"

"Sorry, I just overfilled the pot. I'll clean it up really quickly."

"It's ok Slim Jim, I can help!" Cody said


"Yeah, of course."

"Thank you, I-I gotta be right back."

Cody was about to say something but Noah rushed away before he could hear.

He collapsed against the wall of the bedroom. He thought about his failures as a person, as an employee, as a partner.

He opened one of the dresser drawers to reveal a concealed pair of scissors.

Cody stood in the kitchen, wondering what happened to Noah. He wondered if he should finish cooking or check on his boyfriend. He decided on the latter and flipped of the oven before walking over the bedroom.

"Noah?" he knocked on the door "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Noah said from inside the room, his voice quivering.

Cody leaned on the door handle, and he fell inside. Noah had forgotten to lock the door.

"Shit." he yelled, falling over Noah's legs.

"Cody?" Noah exclaimed, hastily rushing to conceal his arms.

"Noah?" Cody asked "Why are you covered in blood?" (that one cringe TikTok reference)

"No, I'm not." Noah tried to brush it off "Should I finish cooking dinner?"

"Noah. Don't cut yourself. That's bad."

"I know, I'm sorry" Noah said bursting into tears.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm bad at comforting people but it's not your fault."

"But I fucked up."

"How did you fuck up?" Cody reassured

"I-I don't know."

"See, no one's mad at you. You're ok. I love you."

They hugged, homosexually.

[368 words] Kinda rushed bc I'm cramping really bad rn but I hope you like it!

It's been a month since this was requested lol

Love you guys <3

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