Chapter 40 - No Interruptions (Part 3)

40 3 203

A/N: yes I know im late stfu

Alex's POV:

I run away from John's voice. He calls my name and I think it's driving me crazy. I run faster, trying my best to get away from him.

You're running again. My sub-conscious says tauntingly.

"SHUT UP!" I yell, slaming myself into a wall after turning a corner. And just because I have the best luck in the world, people currently occupying the alley heard me yell at myself. So, naturally, I gave them my amazing signature 'fight me' look. They fled of course.

"Why, why, why did he have to find out?" I groaned as I slid down the wall and onto the floor. My ears were ringing and blocking most of the noise of the world. Sure, I could hear the honks of nearby cars and screeching tires, but they were all muffled. And John's voice, I could no longer hear.

The past situation replays in my mind like a broken phonograph, constantly replaying, fixated on one spot. But unlike a phonograph, I can't just take the needle off the record.

I pull back the hoodie sleeve on my arm and look shamefully down at the scars. I hate the scars. I hate myself. I hate...this.

I really just want to crawl into a ball and die here but I decide against it and stand up. Maybe if I just talk to John about this, then everything would be solved.

No more running.

My head spins at the thought and I walk into the wall in front of me.

I groan at the impact; my head colliding into the wall. Great. Now I have a broken relationship and a mild concussion.

I squint my eyes at the pain surging through and clutch my hurt head, wincing a little.

Fucking hell, why did that hurt much more than it usually does?

I unsquint my eyes to see a tiny white paper folded in half sitting on the floor and I crouch down to pick it up, careful to not make too sudden movements or my head will explode from the immense pain I am feeling.

This must've slipped out of my pocket.

I turn it in my hand, trying to remember where I got this note from when a name suddenly comes to mind; Eliza.

Earlier today, she was telling me about the dance coming up and how her and her sisters are part of the planning committee, then handed me the piece of paper with an address and her phone number on it. I wonder why she even thought to invite me in the first place.

Well, that doesn't seem to matter right now. All I need to do is fix my relationship with John.

I nod my head at the idea, then nod it again because I am trying to convince myself to actually do it and I grab my head from the sudden pain I got from nodding. Talk to John, sort everything out.

What if he doesn't except your apology? The nagging voice at the back of my head complies.

"What if you shut up?" I whisper harshly at myself. I think about the words. What if he doesn't want me back? What if he thinks I'm just some broken toy that he has to fix just for the sake of it?

Am I being too clingy?

"No," I say to myself. "No, you are going to go over to John and fix everything."

What if you just ask Eliza?

"Will you just shut up?" I whisper, earning a few glances from passersby. I shrug them off with a slight scoff. They aren't going through hard relationship where their boyfriend found out that their self-harming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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