Chapter 1

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                                    28 YEARS AGO

In the secret walls of the Queen's castle, two secrets were born. The hallowed chambers concealed within the fortress just witnessed a miracle and the birth of a prophecy. Shadows whispered secrets and mysteries lingered in the air, a hidden event unfolded. Guaya, the enigmatic Queen, found herself burdened with a secret too perilous to share.

In the dimly lit room, the Queen grappled with the pangs of motherhood, the glow of her fiery aura casting an ethereal light on the profound scene. Guaya, a woman of both power and vulnerability, gave birth to two baby girls, Blaze and Furie, their destinies intertwined with the future of the Guardian World. Yet, the tender moments of maternal bliss were fleeting, as duty overshadowed the joys of motherhood. Guaya's stoic expression concealed the turmoil within as she barely had a moment to embrace her newborns. A black-haired, stern-faced advisor, loyal to the Queen and well-versed in the secrets of the Guardian world, stood at the ready. The fire advisor would do anything for her Queen.

The Queen's eyes, reflecting a mixture of sorrow and determination, met the gaze of her advisor. A silent understanding passed between them, and with a heavy heart, Guaya issued a command. Her voice, usually commanding, wavered with the weight of the decision she was about to make. "Take them away," she whispered, the words carrying the weight of sacrifice. "Send them far beyond the realms of the Guardians, into the human world. They must grow up unaware of their true heritage and the duel prophecy."

The advisor nodded solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of the task. As she cradled the precious infants in her arms, the Queen's stoicism crumbled, revealing the raw emotion beneath. Guaya's face contorted with a mixture of pain, love, and an unspoken longing, mirroring the sacrifice she made for the greater good. She would not watch her daughters kill each other and become monsters.

In that mysterious moment, as the babies were gently taken from her, a silent tear trickled down Guaya's cheek, falling like a droplet of liquid fire. The secrets of the castle walls echoed with the unspoken sacrifice, and the destiny of Blaze and Furie began its enigmatic journey, veiled in the shadows of their mother's sacrifice.

The fire Advisor, veiled in a cloak of shadows, moved swiftly through the secret passageways of the Queen's castle. Her steps were purposeful, echoing the determination etched on her face. The night shrouded her movements, concealing her presence as she navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Emerging onto the castle lawn, the air thick with an otherworldly stillness, the Advisor cast a furtive glance around. The moon's gentle glow revealed the silhouette of the castle against the night sky. Her steps, quick and resolute, carried her toward the pre-designated meeting point.

There, under the cloak of darkness, a hooded man awaited her. His features obscured by the shadows of his hood, he emanated an air of mystery. The Advisor approached, her eyes meeting his, though the veil of his hood concealed any discernible expression. In a hushed voice laden with secrecy, the Advisor outlined her plan to the hooded man. One baby, she explained, would be entrusted to a trusted friend and sent into the fiery realms, hidden from the prying eyes of the Queen and her trusties. The other would be dispatched to the human world, as per the Queen's command. The hooded man, silent and enigmatic, extended his arms to receive the bundle. In the pale moonlight, the delicate features of the infant became apparent, her eyes wide and innocent. As the Advisor handed over the child, a silent exchange occurred between them — a pact sealed in the secrecy of the night.

The hooded man, his movements calculated and deliberate, cradled the baby in his arms. Not a word passed between them, and the Advisor watched as he faded into the shadows, leaving only the echoes of the night behind. The hooded figure, carrying the weight of a hidden destiny, disappeared into the darkness, leaving the fire Advisor alone with the weight of her choices in the quiet expanse of the castle lawn.

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