Chapter 16

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Ash's house stood as a testament to the fiery essence that defined him. The imposing structure, adorned with vibrant hues of black, exuded an aura of warmth and strength. The flames that danced along the edges of the building harmonized with its design, creating a beautiful contrast against the obsidian facade. It was a true nest for Ash, a haven of fire and warmth. After the intense battle where Furie, Blaze and Guaya faced Aiden and his allies, Blaze found solace and refuge in Ash's fiery abode. The decision to leave their old place was fueled by the memories of betrayal that lingered in the memories of the home she had once shared with Aiden. The Queen's verdict had been clear – Aiden, a traitor, was now confined within the Guardian prison, and Blaze's heart bore the weight of a broken bond. Blaze did not find the courage to forgive him or visit him, yet.

As the group of friends entered Ash's house, they were greeted by the comforting ambiance of the living room. Fiery elements adorned the space, from the flickering flames in the hearth to the glowing embers that adorned the room. Plush, crimson cushions adorned the furniture, creating an inviting atmosphere. The walls seemed to pulse with the energy of the fire Guardian world, casting a warm and radiant glow. The Guardians settled into the living room, finding comfortable spots amidst the fiery decor. The camaraderie and shared experiences of battles and victories forged a bond that transcended the physical surroundings. Ash, ever the gracious host, ensured everyone felt at home, providing a backdrop for laughter, stories, and the warmth of friendship. He offered drinks and Blaze joined him in the kitchen. The two friends were moving around comfortably and putting together a couple of snacks and drinks for everyone.

Blaze and Ash, being the gracious hosts that they were, brought forth drinks that seemed to embody the essence of their fiery duo. The glasses they carried were filled with a mesmerizing liquid that resembled molten lava, radiating a warm glow and exuding an inviting heat. As Blaze and Ash distributed the drinks among their friends, Furie couldn't help but marvel at the unique appearance of the beverages. The liquid lava concoction sparkled with an inner fire, enticing the onlookers to explore its mysterious depths. Furie, ever the inquisitive one, eyed her drink with a mix of surprise and uncertainty. She raised an eyebrow and, with a hint of skepticism, asked Ash, "What is it? Am I going to burn my lips if I drink it?" The group erupted in laughter at Furie's cautious inquiry. Ash, with a mischievous grin, explained, "It's a type of lava alcohol. Don't worry, Furie, you'll be fine. Give it a try." He winked playfully at her, encouraging her to take the plunge. Furie, though not entirely convinced, accepted the challenge, her gaze fixed on the enigmatic drink before her.

With a playful smirk, she lifted the glass to her lips, took a sip, and immediately made a comical face. The group burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained by Furie's reaction. Yet, to everyone's surprise, Furie soon realized that she actually enjoyed the unique blend of flavors. "It's actually good!" Ash's smile widened as he witnessed Furie's change of expression. "I told you!" he declared triumphantly, the shared laughter and the warmth of friendship filling the room. The liquid lava drinks became a symbol of the fiery camaraderie among the Guardians, and the living room echoed with the joyous sounds of clinking glasses and shared tales in the flickering light of the fire.

The evening unfolded with a delightful air of celebration, marking the end of Furie and Blaze's first year of school and the triumphant recovery of Ash. Laughter and joy echoed in Ash's fiery abode as the group of friends relieved in the moment, cherishing the bonds that had grown stronger over the past year. As Blaze mentioned their choice of the Air element for their second year, Zephyr's face lit up with genuine happiness. "You two better be my best students, then," she playfully declared, her eyes twinkling with pride. Furie couldn't help but laugh at Zephyr's remark, appreciating the mentor's enthusiasm for their next academic chapter. Rain did not want to miss an opportunity for a friendly boast, and chimed in, "You know, Zephyr, I was the best Air student you had." A playful smile adorned Rain's face as he glanced at Zephyr. The Air Guardian, caught off guard, felt her cheeks tingle with a hint of pink. "Yeah, right," she retorted quickly, brushing off the compliment with a modest wave. Furie, sensing the slight awkwardness, smoothly changed the subject. She excitedly shared Ignatius's message, informing everyone about the planned meeting with their father the next day. The news hit the group like a pleasant surprise, and a mixture of shock and joy painted their expressions. "Your dad is coming? That's awesome!" Ash exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Blaze explained that they will only know their meeting place the next day. Ignatius wanted to stay secretive and away from Guaya. Leaf made a comment about how he understands Ignatius' behavior, "That makes sense. He is not ready to face Guaya and her poor past decision." The group all agreed with Leaf. Ignatius' heart had been broken and he was not ready to face the woman who fractured it.

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