A Love So Dear.

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I love you so dearly,
And I love everything about you.
No truly...
I love everything.
Your gleaming smile...
Your brown eyes looking right into mine...
Your gaze reflecting off the moonlight's glare...
You hand holding me tight like I am all that's left of a broken world...
I feel so relied upon...
And it doesn't feel bad.
People always say a guys going to leave once you truly get to love them,
And yet I don't think either of us is ever going to ever going to leave,
'Cause you're all I need,
But I must confess something,
and yet I don't know how to speak anymore.
You've changed in a way I can't explain...
Something different about the way you look in my eyes...
I can only see you and me now...
In every dream, every moment, every thought...
It's only you...
I love you so dearly,
So will you be mine...?

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