The One To Last A Lifetime.

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I wish that one day someone will love me.
A love like my parents were never able to grasp.
The fleeting love that could have lasted a lifetime.
I want more of a love like my grandparents...
Dancing in their little house despite him knowing she will pass on soon...
Enjoying their little time left together.
I hope for a guy that can laugh and joke with me.
Someone that I will never let go of.
Someone I can hold onto for the rest of my life.
I want a love where I can hold his hand and walk together side by side as we talk about silly things that had happened that day.
I want us to argue but to immediately make up afterwards and kiss in the hallway.
An important love is what I want.
A love I would have envied as a kid,
And a love to rival my deepest fantasies,
For he will be mine, my soulmate, and my everything.
I wish for that kind of love... a love I can truly enjoy.
In short... will you be that love for me?
Can you be the one to last a lifetime?

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