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Yan Xuezhou doesn't care whether the good uncle is doing well now or whether he is suffocated by his own reverse operation. He just wants to do his job.

Interstellar's express delivery service is very good. As long as it's on the same planet, it can be delivered within thirty minutes even if it's further away.

While waiting for the meal, Yan Xuezhou also ordered a smart bracelet. After a while, there was a knock on the door of his room.

The courier is a small robot that is half a man tall. It carries a "schoolbag" on its back. In the "schoolbag" is the luxurious and exquisite meal packaged by the restaurant.

Yan Xuezhou took the signature pad handed over by the little robot and was signing on it with his eyes bent when the door to the opposite door opened.

He looked around and saw the two people coming out of the opposite door also looking at him and the robot.

Yan Xuezhou was stunned for a moment, why did these two... look so ordinary? If you throw it into the crowd, it will be drowned immediately, and you won't be able to find any trace.

Although he didn't finish reading the mecha novel, he remembered that the person living across the door was a supporting character similar to the protagonist Goldfinger + mentor. His family background and ability were both outstanding. The thing he remembered most clearly was that he was even more handsome than the protagonist. high.

Could it be that he remembered it wrong?

Forget it, who cares? Yan Xuezhou smiled politely at the two people opposite him. The two people didn't react at all. They seemed to be indifferent strangers with no intention of interacting with each other.

Yan Xuezhou shrugged, it didn't matter, he collected the express and closed the door happily.

outside the house.

The "ordinary-looking" Ming Lie was elbowed by the equally "ordinary-looking" hair boy and deputy conductor Wen Yi: "Huh? When did a beautiful kid come across from you?"

Ming Lie: "Two weeks ago. ."

Wen Yi folded his arms and leaned against the door frame, and said with a smile: "Have you checked the origin? The rent here is only 30,000 star coins a year, and the food he just collected is from a high-end restaurant on the U-204 planet."

They When I came to this planet, I had already investigated many situations. The price of food in that restaurant was not low, especially the amount that the child just brought in. No matter how you look at it, this meal was already more than a year's rent. If this was his normal expense, he wouldn't live in such an ordinary place.

"I'll keep an eye on the Yan family." As he said this, Minglie took another look at the door opposite.

"Yan?" Wen Yi took out something and searched it, and the smile on his face disappeared. "Be careful, that boy looks like the mentally retarded member of the Yan family. Just now -" What do you think

? They don't look stupid, but they chose to live across from Ming Lie, which is very suspicious.

Ming Lie responded, and the two of them left the building together without talking to each other.

Yan Xuezhou only remembered that the reliable boss of the protagonist group lived in a certain room somewhere on this planet, but he forgot that people came to this planet for a special mission and had made layers of disguises. He suddenly lived in Being in person, and seriously inconsistent with the "personality", it is naturally easy to be labeled as a suspicious element.

Interstellar planning, making billions a day (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now