1.New Beginning

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Taking a step back, I look at my now empty room for the last time before I have to leave for what I presume to be hell. Leaving my room and walking outside where my parents were waiting for me, I entered the car and prepared for this new adventure.

Going to a boarding school was the last thing on my list. I mean what's good about a school that forces you to wear uniforms, probably has an unfair power struggle between the students, and doesn't allow you to express yourself in any art forms? But I guess you don't have a choice when it's court-ordered and it's the only thing from putting you in juvie. The school I'm going to is Vernon Boarding School. This school said it's the best at reforming the bad kids into responsible young adults for the future. I mean, I can't be the only one who thinks that's bullshit.

Now even though I was going into this reform program, I wouldn't say I was a bad kid. It was just the wrong place, wrong time situation, sorta. Now I won't get into detail about how the situation happened, but what I will say is that I was caught breaking into the school vandalizing the principal's office with graffiti and words like racist, homophobe, bigot and many other colorful words on the walls. I honestly don't even know why I got in trouble, I was just telling the truth the school board was too thick-skinned to see. But anyway, since I was caught I had to go to a court hearing to see my punishment which was either I go to juvie for up to four years or to go to a reform school. And well I guess you can see which one my parents chose.

Delilah, get your stuff together, we are almost at the school." my mom said in a disappointed tone. Neither of my parents understood why I, a black girl did that to the principal's office.
Looking out of the window I notice the castle-like school appear. I feel like sending me to this school was overkill but I'm excited to see what this school has in store for me.

A/N: This is my first book and I'm excited to see where it goes! I'm always open to constructive criticism. Thank you for reading! I don't know when the next update will be but I will try to get it out by next Sunday!

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