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Pulling up to the school, I notice the large gate with two flags on it, one pale yellow and the other navy blue. My dad parks the car in front of the gate for me and my mom to get out. Walking to the back of the car I open the trunk, taking my two suitcases out regretting packing as much as I did. Opening the gate and walking on the stone path to the entrance I realized how old and big this school is.

I mean if this school falls and crushes everyone I wouldn't have to be in this school anymore so I guess that's a win

My mom walks in front of me, looking professional with her white turtleneck and black dress pants on. My mom has always been on for dressing modestly and showing a great example which is what I guess she is doing here. She walks up to the front entrance and opens the door, holding it open for me to enter. Walking in front of me again she finally walks up to the lady at the front desk.

"Hello there, my daughter is a new student at this school." my mom says to the lady.

The lady at the desk looks up at my Mom "What's your daughter's name ma'am?" the lady responds with a smile plastered on.

"Her name is Delilah Florence, She is supposed to be in the reform program here"

The lady looks away from my mom and looks at her computer probably searching for my name. Looking back up to my mom "Oh, so she is one of those students. I'll call someone to come down and escort her." she says mumbling the first part. Turning to her phone she puts in a number and starts talking to someone on the other side. Finally hanging up, she opens a drawer and pulls out a lanyard with an ID on it.

"This will be your ID. You must have this on at all times to enter the buildings at this school" Handing the ID over to me "I called a secondary class teacher to come and escort you to your fourth-period class. You will be given a blue uniform that you will have to wear tomorrow to classes. I will print out your class schedule in the meantime while we are waiting for the escort."

The lady finished speaking to print out my schedule leaving me and my mom waiting. Now you might be wondering what the actual hell is in a secondary class student. Well this school, while being a prestigious school for smart and well behaved kids, has a reform program making up a little bit less than half the student body. Those are called the secondary class. Those students could have behavioral problems, misbehaved in an old school, or like me are here on court order. This school likes to flaunt the fact it can "fix" the bad apples in society. But I call bullshit. I didn't do anything bad but call out a horrible principle and yet I'm here.

"Your escort is here Delilah." the lady says, snapping out of my thoughts. She reaches over and grabs my schedule. Looking up I see a man who has to be at least 40 years old. He has gray in his hair with a bald spot in the middle of his head. He walks up to me wearing a white polo and brown dress pants, taking the schedule from the lady.

"I'm Mr. Rogers. Now hurry up and follow me, you are going to be late to your fourth period class which seems to be" he looks down at my schedule "Math with Ms. Burns."

"I'll bring your suitcases to your dorm, Delilah" my mom says to me. I nod my head in appreciation. Mr Rogers nods his head at the interaction and starts to walk away.

Following Mr.Rogers and leaving the front entrance we were once again outside following the path.

"Alright listen up Ms.Florence, you  were put in the second class for a reason meaning you need to not act out like you probably did at your old school. You aren't here to play around, you are here to be fixed and become a principled young adult so you can do something with your pathetic life." Mr. Rogers states, as we approach a building that assumes my math class in.

Who does this man think he is?  Not only is he assuming I'm a horrible person, he just called my life pathetic. I knew the whole idea of a reform program that "fixes" kids was bull.

Before I could say something back to the man we arrived at a classroom that had the name tag "Ms.Burns' ' on it. My class. Mr. Rogers walks in front of me, handing me my schedule and knocking on the door. Opening the door he walks in first greeting the teacher and I follow right behind him seeing everyone in navy blue uniforms looking at me.
A/N: I got 840 words and that is more than last chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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