Part 2~Talks

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Isu sat in her bed as Katara, Sokka, and Toph walked in.

"Hey, Isu. We're going into town to find some dinner." Toph smiled softly as Isu hopped onto her feet.

"Well, I am starved. Dinner sounds great."

Sokka hesitated before holding out a bandana. "Here, tie this around your head. It will cover your arrow."

Isu recoiled, giving Sokka a hurt look. "You want me to cover up my arrow?"

"Sorry, but we need to be practical."

Isu paused as Katara stepped forward, placing a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "You guys go ahead without us. We'll catch up to you." Toph and Sokka left as Katara sat beside Isu, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I understand why you don't want to hide your arrow. It's part of your family history."

"It's not just that. Being an Airbending master is the only thing... it's." Isu sighed, running her hand over her face. "It's the only thing I've actually accomplished."

"What are you talking about?"

"At home, I was the chosen one for my Grandfather; I only studied how to be an Airbender; it was my whole and only life. But I thought I could do good; I thought I could help the world, but I messed up."

Katara smiled softly. "You didn't mess up. You are amazing. Everyone else can see that, with or without your arrow."

Isu paused, chuckling. "You're not helping my brooding."

"Yeah, that's cause it doesn't suit you. Want to go see Zuko's disguise?"

"You gave Zuko a disguise?"


Hachi smiled softly, brushing Zuko's hair behind his ear. The hair had been bleached blond, and Zuko was not happy about it. "It's not that bad."

"Then give me the mirror."

Hachi glanced at Iroh as he threw the anime out the window and into the sea. Hachi chuckled, turning his attention to Zuko's scar. "We are going to need something big for this. We can't dress you up in makeup every time."

"But a mask would stick out too much."

"Medical tape it is."

Iroh smiled, bringing the medical patch and tape over. Hachi held the fluffy patch over Zuko's scar as Iroh taped it on. Zuko shuffled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just bad memories."

Hachi blinked, taking Zuko's hand. "You don't have to wear it. You can stay here."

Zuko shook his head, squeezing Hachi's hand back. "No."

"I can defend myself."

"I know, but I want to stay together... Just in case something-"

Hachi chuckled, shutting Zuko off. "Come on, before Isu wakes up and starts attacking."


Isu grinned as she spotted Zuko. "Blond! You're blond!"

Zuko blinked, pulling at his hair. "Is it really that bad?"

Isu paused, staring at Zuko. "It's blond." Neither said anything for a moment before they both burst out laughing.

Zuko slowed down his breathing as he glanced at Isu. "Hey, about what happened?"

Isu tilted her head. "About what?" Zuko shuffled awkwardly as Isu gasped. "Oh, you mean the whole sparky thing. Don't worry about it."

"But, I hurt you."

"Zuko. Don't worry about it. It was an accident. Besides, you were going to kill my dad. Respect that."

Zuko blinked awkwardly. "What?"

Isu laughed brightly. "What do you fancy to eat?"

Zuko shifted his gaze, stumbling over his words. "Anything spicy. These water tribe people don't have spicy food."

Isu laughed, smiling. "I'm sure we can manage that. We are in the Fire Nation. If not, you think super heating the broth will work?"

"I... I have no idea. I've never cooked before."

Isu laughed. "Maybe I should teach you, but warning, everything I cook ends up burnt."


Katara paused as she walked closer to Hachi. They both watched Isu and Zuko laughing and joking together. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm glad he talked to her. He was stressing about it."

Katara smiled. "They have a good bond. It will take death to separate them."

"I'm not even sure that's enough."

"Are you going to talk to her?" Hachi leaned his head down, avoiding Katara's gaze as she sighed. "You can force Zuko to talk to Isu but refuse to do it yourself?"

Hachi shrugged. "It's not the same thing. They are friends."

"She's your sister. She'll always be around for you. She'll listen to you."

Hachi sighed. "I hate it when you're right."


Isu smiled, leaning against the ship, the wind blowing through her hair.

"Hey, Isu." Hachi shuffled his feet as he stopped whacking distance away. "How are you?"

Isu snorted. "That the best you got?"

"O-oh, I can leave."

Isu smiled, glancing back over her shoulder. "The stars are pretty tonight. I haven't seen them this bright in a long time."

"The air is cleaner in the ocean."

Isu hummed, leaning against her hand. "You could go home. If you follow that star, you'll find the temple. Dad won't follow you there, and you won't have to deal with the war."

"I'm not leaving."

"Didn't think so. You have a boyfriend here."

"And you. I wouldn't leave you. You're my sister."

Isu snorted. "Only took 16 years for you to notice."

"We were having a nice moment, Isu!"

"Nope. I'm your little sister; I get to be a little shit!"

"Isu!" Hachi laughed as Isu shook her head. "Do you really think Dad is still going to come after us?"

"I doubt he'll just pack up and leave us alone." Isu turned, leaning her back against the ship. "How are you processing it all?"

"Mum is dead."

Isu sighed. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Why didn't you?"

"I didn't want to upset you, especially with everything that happened."

"Did she say anything about me?"

Isu shrugged. "She doesn't really say anything outside vague omniscience threats of death. She told me I would die without actually bothering to warn me I was going to die."

Hachi sighed. "I guess that's how it happens. She did leave when we were children."

"She had her reasons."

"Can you tell me? I don't think Father was telling the whole story."

"Are you sure you want to hear it? It's not a happy story."

"Was it as bad as father put it?"


"Then I want to hear."

"What if I had said yes?"

"I would have still wanted to hear, but I would need some comfort food."

"Well, it's not as bad as Shiiko put it, but this is how it went down."

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