4. You Were The One

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   The vibrant day mirrored the vibrant moods of the children, and Evan's arrival only heightened the joyful atmosphere. He bounded up to the table, a wide smile adorning his young face. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow on his smooth, sun-kissed skin.
   Evan's short, dark hair tousled in the breeze as he flashed a cheeky grin. His playful energy radiated through the scene. A mischievous spark glinted in Evan's eyes as he approached Y/n. With a teasing grin, he ruffled her hair, earning an immediate protest.

   "Hey! I just did my hair!" Y/n whined, swatting his hand away with playful annoyance. "Aw! What, you embarrassed Mike won't like — Ow!" His playful banter was cut short as Y/n retaliated, tackling him to the ground. "Shut up!" She hissed while wrestling him down to the ground.
   Mike chuckled at the antics of his friends, a warm camaraderie that felt timeless. As Evan released Y/n from the headlock, she grunted in protest, "Jerk." She scowled with a defiant huff. Evan defended himself with a simple retort, "You started it," as he stood, brushing dirt off his knees. 

   Y/n's hair, now a disheveled mess, earned a snicker from Mike. With a playful grin, Mike reached over to pluck a few leaves from Y/n's hair. "Your hair looks like a messed up bird's nest," he teased, enjoying the light banter that defined their friendship.
   "Doesn't every bird's nest look messy?" Evan replied. "You know what I mean," Mike rolled his eyes. Y/n scoffed and elbowed his side before continuing to fix her unkept hair, asking, "Uh. . . Where'd Garret go?"

   Mike, Evan, and Y/n all glanced around the area. As Y/n spotted Garret to the left, she snapped her fingers and pointed energetically. "Got him," she declared before darting off towards Garret, who was engaged in playing with his toy airplane.
   Her swift departure left Evan with a sly smirk as he turned to face Mike. "You know she likes you, right?" Evan chuckled, his tone carrying a teasing note. Mike scoffed in response, "Yeah right. What's next? She likes to eat bugs as well?" Evan playfully flicked Mike's forehead, evoking a chuckle from him.

   "I'm telling the truth, I read her little diary." Evan smirked, "My little sister has a crush on you."
"So? It's just a crush-" Evan gasped as he dramatically held his chest, "Wow! And you don't care! Oh, my poor sister will be just devastated!" Evan laughed, "Oh unless you're just hiding your embarrassment-!"
   "Shut up, man! She's just a friend like you, idiot." Mike chuckled as Evan rushed at him, leading the boys to start fighting each other in a small wrestling match.
"How dare you dishonor me!" Evan joked as he tackled him.

   Y/n managed to drag Garret back to the area where Mike had shortly pinned Evan to the ground. She arched her brow, a playful grin on her face. "What are you dummies doing now?" She taunted, reveling in the match.
   "Ha! Just fighting for your honor, m'lady!" Mike laughed with sarcasm, as he managed to override Evan and push him down next. "Oh, so now you wanna play dirty!" Evan retorted, refusing to be outdone, as he attempted to grapple with Mike.

   "Evan, can you help me grab this?" Mike's mother cut into the playful spectacle. The abrupt interruption brought a brief ceasefire to the match. Evan chuckled as he stood, responding with a quick, "Yes, Mrs. Schmidt!" Before leaving, he delivered a final slap to the back of Mike's head.
   "Ow — Hey!" Mike hissed in protest, shooting a resentful glance at Evan's retreating figure while he rubbed his head. Y/n couldn't help but snicker under her breath, finding amusement in the final hit.

   She held out her hand to Mike, and he took it, allowing her to help him lift himself from the ground. "He hits me in the back of the head all the time; you get used to it after a while," she grinned, her eyes reflecting her playful spirit.
   Mike shook his head, crossing his arms in mock offense. "Wow, you must have a titanium skull then." Y/n scoffed with a smile growing on her lips, "What if I do? I'd be the next Luke Cage," she smirked, her playfulness filling the air.

Monsters in the Dark (!FNaF!Mike Schmidt x !FNaC!Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now