Chapter 1 Chapter 1 --------------- The First Day

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          Hi, my name is Kennedy Jackson and I attend Miller Point High School. I am 15 years old going on 16.

          My family is made up of 3 brothers, Jake, Ben and Spencer Jackson. Jake and I are twin siblings, youngest of the family, Spencer is 17 and Ben is 18 years of age. Also, there are my parents, Amelia and Andrew Jackson. Then there's me Kennedy, the  daughter of the family, and by the way, I'm two minutes older than my brother.

              Chapter 1

         "OMG, today is the first day of school and I overslept!" I panicked as I looked at the clock. It read 7:32AM and school starts at 8:30! Even before I flicked on the lights, I ran to the bathroom and started the shower so it would have time to heat up, trying not to wake anyone.

          My eldest brother Ben was probably already awake considering the fact that he's a morning person (unlike the rest of the family). Jake (my twin sibling) and Spencer(my older brother) would most likely be up in five to ten minutes. I knew that for sure, my parents, Andrew and Amelia Jackson, would be up and making breakfast as I could already smell it from my room.

          On the first day of school, my parents always made us a special breakfast of french toast covered in syrup with a pinch of icing sugar on top, along with a glass of milk of coarse. That is my perfect idea of a filling breakfast, so I couldn't wait to get to the table and gobble up my deliciously decadent meal.

          When I came back from turning the shower on, I opened my closet doors and started looking for the perfect first day outfit.

          After flipping through my closet for about ten minutes I finally decided on a sky blue, short sleeve shirt with a pair of white daisy dukes and a purple belt.

          As I was carrying my clothes with one hand, I opened a drawer in my dresser with the other and pulled out a bra, a pair of socks and my underwear. Then I quietly tip-toed to the shower an shut the bathroom door behind me. Curiously, I popped my hand under the water in the shower to check its temperature, only to find that it was still cold.

          A few minutes later, I checked it again to find that it was warm enough for me to hop in. Next, I started stripping down out of my pajamas. Then I stepped into the steamy shower and let the warm water roll over my body.

          "Should I use the coconut shampoo or mint lavender shampoo?" I mumbled to myself. Finally I decided to go with the nice-smelling mint lavender. After shampooing and conditioning my hair, along with soaping my body, I jumped out of the shower at dried my body with my green towel that I got last Christmas. Next, I lathered my skin in sweet smelling creme.

        Then I got dressed. After putting on my undergarments, I carefully pulled up my shorts, put on my belt and slipped into my shirt. Then I combed my hair and dried it. Next, I curled it and put it into a ponytail so I could get ready to do my makeup.

          I applied a bright pink lip stick to my lips and light eye shadow with eyeliner to my eyelids and topped it of with a little blush on each cheek.

           Next, I packed up my makeup kit and tidied my room before walking downstairs for breakfast. The closer I got to the kitchen, the more amazing it started to smell. I couldn't wait to take my first bite of luscious french toast.

          "Hi Mom, Jake, Ben, Spencer and Dad, good morning, are you all excited for the first day of school?" I asked my family members as I grabbed a plate from the cupboard.

          "Totally, I can't wait to see all my friends!" answered Jake.

          "Me too!" Both my brothers said in unison. We all laughed as Spencer call jinx on Ben.

         "You owe me a soda" told Spencer to Ben

         "The jinx machine is out of order, please insert another quarter!" Ben Exclaimed.

          "Dang it!!" Said Spencer in disappointment.

          I walked over to the table and sat down at my usual spot at the end. Then, I reached into the middle, and pulled the plate of food and the bottle of syrup closer to me. My milk was already set out for me. After I picked up my fork, I used it to carry a two pieces of french toast to my plate. Then I grabbed the syrup, flipped open the cap, and poured some onto my breakfast. Last but not least, I sprinkled a little icing sugar on top and cut it up.

          "Man, I love your french toast so much Mom!" I told her.

         "Thanks sweetie!"she replied with a huge grim across her pale face.

          My mother had long, dark brown hair, the same color as everyone else in the family's hair was. She also had a slim figure and hazel eyes, just like me.

          Quickly, I gobbled down all my french toast so I wouldn't be late.

          When I was placing my dishes into the dishwasher I glanced at the clock on the microwave. It read 8:13am and I knew that I would be just on time.

          "Come on guys, hurry up, we don't want to be late on the first day!" I told them as they jumped from their seats. Next, they all they all grabbed their backpacks and headed to the front door to put on their shoes.

          I zipped up my bag, making sure that all my books and school supplies were in it after taking it off the hook.
Shortly after that, I slipped my colorful high tops onto my feet and said goodbye to my parents.

         Since only Ben could drive, he hopped in the driver's seat and I hopped in the back with Jake because Spencer had beat us to the passenger seat. Then Ben started the car and pulled out of the driveway as we headed to school.

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