Chapter 2 ------------- School

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As we pulled up to the school, I spotted my only two best friends, Gabi Anderson and Mackenzie Parks, despite the first day crowds. They're the same age as me and they always go on trips when it comes to summer break so we didn't really hang out much in between school years.

A few seconds after my brother parked the car and pulled the keys out of the ignition, I popped oped the door of the back seat and hopped out with my knapsack slung over one shoulder, putting only one strap to use. I walked over to my friends.

"Hi guys, talk about long time no see, how are you guys, how were your summer vacations?!" I questioned.

"I'm great, I had an amazing summer and my long trip to brazil was wonderful!" Explained Gabi to Mackenzie and I.

"And my cruse in Europe was glorious and the weather was so hot, I have the most amazing tan now, and my hair seems to be a lighter shade of blonde now!" Mackenzie told us. I looked at her skin and I instantly knew that she wasn't kidding.

Mackenzie was such a beautiful girl with her long blonde locks and bright blue eyes.

Together, we started slowly walking toward the front doors of the school.

Miller Point High (my school) had two floors and full size lockers. It also had two girls and boys bathrooms on each floor so you didn't have to walk very far if you needed to go.

Since it was the first day of school, we had to check the bulletin board near the office to see who's class we were in. My last name starts with a J so I would have to check the 4th page.

GRADE 9 Page 4
Melanie 9S
Brooklyn 9F
Sandra 9S
Marie 9G
Jenny 9F
Sam 9T
Jake 9J
Kennedy 9J

There were our names at the bottom of the list right on page 4 like I guessed. My brother and I were in Mr. Jeffery's class, just like we both wanted. I look further down the pages of names, trying to find out what class my friends were in.

"Awesome, we're all in the same class, Mr. Jeffery's!!"said Gabi excitedly. We were so glad that we were all in the same class and had the teacher we wanted.

Mr. Jeffery is a tall man with very dark brown hair and green eyes. He is in his mid to late 40's and also has a wife and three kid who are all in college. If I'm remembering correctly, we will have a substitute teacher because he has to go to his 24 year old son, Jason's wedding. The wedding would be in a town only a few hours away. Our new teacher would only be away for about 3 days though.

"Well, lets get moving to our class room, so we get good seats and can sit together." Exclaimed Jake.

Since it was the first day of school, we wouldn't get any homework because we would just be organizing supplies and other stuff today. Papers would be handed out and instructions would be given.

Other people started to trickle into the room just before the loud school bell rang. everybody sat in their desks with there bags under the chairs. My buddies and I got the best seats in the class, right at the back in the corner.

"Hello class' I am Mr. Jeffery as you may know from before."He introduced himself."Welcome to grade 9, first we are going to sort out our school supplies and I'm gonna right down the instructions on the whiteboard." The teacher informed us.

Blue binder= Math
Red binder= Language Arts
Green binder= Science
Black binder= Social Studies

Fabric tool kit= Pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, protractor, erasers, glue stick.
Plastic tool kit= pencil crayons/markers.

Blue folder= Art
Green folder= Music
Red folder= Life skills
Purple folder= Elective

When he was done writing on the board with the dry erase marker, I started to prepare my materials. I labeled the binders, organized the tool kits, and also labeled the folders. By the time the whole class was done getting their school supplies ready, it was lunch time.

"Ring, ring, ring." the bell rang, announcing that it was the start of lunch eating time.

We all rushed out of the class room and to our locker so we could grab our lunch bags. Then I headed with my two best friends, in the directions of the cafeteria eating tables.

At Miller Point High, we had a cafeteria, but not the kind that served food. It was the kind thats just an eating area.

"I've got a ham and turkey sandwich, apple juice, and a chocolate chip cookie."I announced.

"Today, I got a banana, some jello and a PB and J sandwich."told Gabi.

"I have yogurt, a mango peach juice box, a turkey and marble cheese lunch able with crackers and a two-bite brownie." Mackenzie explained to us.

We ate our lunches in the cafeteria, and traded each other before going back to our lockers to put our lunches away. Then we went outside for recess.

Just as we were walking out, someone bumped into me and shortly after I heard laughter.

"Watch it klutz, I think you need some glasses!" Uh, not Logan James and his gang of bullies. He picked on everyone in school, except for his friends.

After recess, we had reading time. and then activities to help us get to know each other for the afternoon. Next, it would be home time.

When it was time for the first activity, we all sat in a circle and said our names, our birthday and something we enjoy.

"Kennedy, its your turn now" announced Mr. Jeffery.

"Ok, I'm kennedy, I was born on January 3rd, and I like to draw."I said on my turn and before I knew it, the bell rang indicating that school was over.

Mackenzie, Gabi, Jake and I headed toward the parking lot after packing up our stuff and grabbing our bags from our lockers. Just as we walked out the front doors of the school, I spotted Ben, waiting for us in his car.

"What class are you guys in!"Ben asked curiously.

"We're all in Mr. Jeffery's class!"I answered back as I hoped into the back seat with Jake. We pulled out of the parking lot and headed home for dinner like we did after every day of school.

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