Part 24

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Vivian joined Velvet and Remi's napping session. Veneer peeked in to see how the kids were doing. He couldn't help but coo at the sight. The kids were asleep on Velvet. Lillian was also sleeping on her. Velvet was out cold. Orchid was baking with Ritz. Veneer was kind of jealous because she was taking all of his attention. Veneer went up behind him. He wrapped his arms around him somewhat tightly. He was happier now. "H-Hey honey," Ritz mumbled with a soft smile as he turned his head towards Veneer. "Hey baby," Veneer mumbled as he gently kissed the corner of his mouth. Ritz smiled and glanced at his lips. Orchid stared at them with a blank expression. She sniffled as she watched them be all over each other.

Orchid went to her girlfriend. She was so touch starved. She couldn't help but coo at the sight. She smiled and joined in on the group cuddle session. She was on the left side of Velvet with her head leaning on her shoulder. Lillian's head was on her right thigh. Remi's head was on her left thigh with his face away from Vivians's face. Veneer was kissing Ritz all over his face. Ritz was getting turned on by Veneer's teasing. He wrapped an arm around Veneer's neck. Veneer put one hand on the stove and quickly jumped back while holding it. "Ow! Mother of shit!" he yelped. Tears stung his eyes as he looked down at his hand. Ritz quickly jumped off the counter and came back with some medical supplies. 

Veneer couldn't help but wince as Ritz carefully cleaned and bandaged it, since it was already starting to bleed in a few places. Veneer had tears streaming down his face. Ritz gently kissed his forehead and hugged him. Veneer hugged him back. "Fuck. That was so painful," Veneer mumbled. "I'm so glad to have my perfect husband fix it. Maybe I could repay him," Veneer said dramatically yet teasingly. Ritz couldn't help but blush and shake his head with a soft laugh. "Maybe by going down on him. Hm? Would you like that?" Veneer whispered as he rubbed his thigh with his unharmed hand. Ritz stared at him as a soft, nervous laugh escaped his throat as his face turned dark. He quickly covered his face as he blushed severely. Veneer looked at him worriedly as he blushed. He hugged him and gently kissed his head. Veneer held him close to his chest. He didn't mean to fluster him that much.

Orchid and Velvet left about an hour later. The twins and Lillian got ready for bed about 4 hours later. Remi wanted Veneer to hold him for a bit before going to bed. Ritz was getting the girls ready for bed. Remi was playing with some of Veneer's hair. He loved his hair. Veneer had no problem with his kids playing with his hair, since he grew it out a little bit more. Ritz loved him having longer hair. Veneer also liked his hair long. It wasn't extremely long though. He liked it when it wasn't very long. Veneer kissed Remi's hair as he gently put him in bed. Remi was doing much better after his surgery. His breathing machine was still being used, since sometimes he would stop breathing as he slept. Ritz came in soon before Remi was about to sleep.

Ritz kissed the twins on the forehead and tucked Remi in. Veneer tucked Vivian in. Remi was super happy yet exhausted. Veneer couldn't help but look him up and down. His eyes lingered on Ritz's ass and thighs. Ritz left the room after Veneer. He noticed how Veneer looked at him. He gave him a teasing look. Ritz wrapped his arms around Veneer's neck and murmured some things they could do together. Veneer couldn't help but be turned on. He scooped Ritz up and brought him to the bedroom. Veneer practically threw him on the bed and got on top of him. He had his knee pressed up against him. Ritz couldn't help but let out a whiny moan. Veneer smirked and gently grabbed his chin.

Veneer laid next to Ritz with a tired, happy smile. He wrapped his arm around his waist. "You were so beautiful underneath me. I had so much fun touching and pleasing you, baby boy," Veneer murmured as he kissed up and down his neck. Ritz giggled as Veneer gently kissed his neck. Ritz couldn't help but curl up to him. The two cuddled as the two slowly calmed down from their highs. Ritz couldn't help but run his hands all over Veneer's chest. "Baby, if you keep doing that, I'll get turned on again," Veneer mumbled with a teasing, warning tone. Ritz blushed and snuggled closer to him. Veneer smiled and kissed his forehead. Veneer hugged him tighter as he started drifting off to sleep.

Ritz didn't really get any sleep. He was busy playing with Veneer's hair. He was carefully playing with his hair. Ritz was restless the whole night. Veneer was peacefully sleeping. Ritz loved looking at his peaceful face while he slept. Ritz couldn't help but sigh lovingly. He was just so grateful for his loving husband. He heard the door creak open. He turned to the door and it was a sleepy, scared Remi. He had tears in his eyes. Ritz was so grateful that they both had boxers on after their fun time. Remi gently poked Ritz's arm. "Come up here buddy," Ritz whispered as he carefully picked him up. He put him on the bed in between them. Remi smiled and curled up to Veneer. Ritz smiled and snuggled up to him. He started gently twirling his finger around a few strands of Remi's hair.

Remi was fast asleep. Vivian came in a little while later and crawled into their bed. She snuggled up next to Ritz. She was having trouble sleeping. Ritz rubbed her back in circles to try and help her sleep. She slowly drifted off to sleep as he rubbed her back. Ritz gently kissed her head and hugged her just a little tighter. Ritz checked the time, and it was 2am. He sighed. He had to go to work in the morning. He recently became the new manager at The Bop on Top. He loved his job. It was just exhausting sometimes because of people. He dozed off, not fully asleep. Veneer shifted slightly and rolled over to face Ritz. Veneer was half awake. Remi's face was buried into his chest now. Veneer smiled softly and cupped Ritz's cheek. Ritz ended up falling asleep as Veneer gently rubbed his cheek with his thumb. 

Ritz's alarm went off a few hours later. Ritz groaned and slowly woke up. He turned his alarm off. He carefully moved Vivian off of him so that he could get ready for work. Ritz stretched and rubbed some of the sleep from his eyes. He got a pair of pants and struggled for a moment before he finally managed to get his pants on. Veneer slowly sat up and couldn't help but stare. His husband was so adorable when he first wakes up. Veneer carefully snuck out of bed and hugged him from behind as he slipped his tank top on. Ritz jumped slightly but smiled back at him. Veneer quickly kissed his cheek before walking out to make breakfast. Ritz turned back to their bed and smiled softly. The twins were barely awake. Ritz picked the twins up and brought them to their room. They went right back to sleep once their heads hit their pillows.

The two ate breakfast in comfortable silence. They brushed their teeth as it was getting close for Ritz to get to work. Ritz finished and pecked his lips before rushing out the door. Veneer pouted. He wanted to kiss his husband more intensely before he left. Veneer was still exhausted. It was 6am. Veneer took a nap on the couch before he had to take the twins to school. He also had to be at work by 8am. Veneer got himself and the twins ready for the day. Remi was excited for school. Vivian was just tired. Veneer took them inside and kissed both of their foreheads before leaving for work. Veneer had a young girl with matted hair. There was also mold in it. It was obvious that the parent was neglectful, since they just dropped her off there with a hundred-dollar bill. The parent was lucky that it was enough. 

Sorry that this took so long guys! I've just been busy and stuff. I hope I can also update this tomorrow. I most likely won't though because I'm getting my braces off tomorrow! Anyways, I hope all of you guys enjoy this part!

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