Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V.

"MISS. L/N! Do you think sleeping is more important than the Holocaust?" Miss. Sivvy screamed in my face.

"Yes, yes I really do," I replied, leaning back putting my arms behind my head," Miss. Sivvy growled.

"That's detention for you, and out of my classroom,"

"With pleasure," I said getting up and bowing. I walked out of the classroom toward my favourite ditching spot. Winking at a few boys making them blush. I have to admit it, my hair and my good looks disguises myself being a freak. I mean, what 14 year old is stuck in twelfth grade for two years because they're too young to be working for the NASA? Hang on, let me introduce myself.

I'm Y/N L/N, i've got gold eyes with orange flecks. They seem to glitter everytime I moved them, and were a great feature to make boys crush on me. Some girls too. Not that I'm complaining. My hair is my most prized possession that's h/c and goes to my waist. It comes in large ringlets that I take great care of. I spend my allowance on hair supplies from the orphanage. The orphanage isn't that bad actually. The people there are really nice, but no one would want to adopt a girl with a large IQ. Oh, and I can control electricity. Like I can literally shoot in out of my hands. I never told anyone about it and never told anyone that I'm fire proof. One time, I accidently dropped a match on my foot and nothing happened. I guess it's a plus, but I'm not telling anyone that. 

Alright, I changed my mind about my ditching spot. My uniform is just so stuffy I need some fresh air. I head outside but then suddenly bump into- air? How is that possible?

"Oof! Keefe I told you we shouldn't have gone this way!" Suddenly three people appeared in front of me, all of them looking like models. One boy had blonde hair and ice blue eyes with a smirk. I THOUGHT I ONLY DO THAT. Another with blonde hair and brown eyes in the middle. And next to her with an arm wrapped around the girl was a boy with brown hair and teal eyes. I thought my eyes were unique, but this was something different. The blonde boy looked conflicted as he watched the brunette dude wrap his arm around the girl's waist. Definitely a love triangle.

"Are you guys going to just stand there or actually say something?" I asked.

"Thank goodness we found you! You have to come with us, now!" The girl said.

"I'm not coming with some strangers who I just met! I don't even know your names! Unless you want me to give you nicknames," I countered. The girl sighed.

"Alright, I'm Sophie Foster,"

"I'm Keefe Sencen, or you could call me Lord Hunkyhair," The blonde boy said with smirk. I smirked back at him and his eyes widened. (Fun fact, I can actually smirk!)  And the brunette introduced himself,

"I'm Fitz Vacker,"

"That's your name?" I said, trying to stifle a laugh.

"I know right! His full name is Fitzroy Avery Cra- I mean Vacker," Keefe said. I burst out laughing.

"Listen both of you. Y/N, do you have any power you think is unusual?" Sophie interrupted. I sucked in a breath.

"Yeah, I can control electricity and I'm somehow fire proof," Fitz nodded.

"That means you're a Charger. But I'm not sure how you're fire proof,"

"I do Fitzy. Remember the Flaredon?" Keefe said. I had no idea what they were saying.

"Wait, so you guys have powers like me?" I asked, confusion etched on my face.

"Yeah, I'm an Empath, I can feel other people's emotions," Keefe said with a smirk.

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