Chapter 10

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      Late at night, a short and chubby old man arrived. He had a fat and round head, small eyes under heavy eyelids, and a peculiar robe adorned with various-sized pockets. In one hand, he held a match, and in the other, he carried a pole with a scale, looking eccentric and stubborn, much like an immortal wizard.

      Duan Wu called him to come up, intending to boost her own courage. Quietly, she opened her pouch, filled with the pepper powder she had prepared.

      The old man chuckled, saying, "Wait a moment!"

      He bent down and examined the bodies on the ground. Occasionally, he lifted the scale weight and tapped the skulls of the deceased. Upon hearing the "thud thud" sound, he would click his tongue and shake his head, saying, "Tsk tsk, dead! Truly dead!"

      In the dim hall, a new dark figure appeared, accompanied by a pair of sparkling green eyes. It was a huge wolfhound following the old man. The dog sniffed the bodies of the dead, stuck out its tongue, and emitted a mournful "woof woof."

      Facing a full inn of corpses in the dark night, he remained unfazed? The old man and the dog broke into the room, just wanting to play with the scale weight by knocking on people's skulls? Duan Wu cleared her throat, putting on a smiling face, "Hey, don't just focus on looking at the dead. There's a living person here. Aren't you going to look at me?"

      The old man used the match to illuminate her face, saying impatiently, "Didn't I say I would come later? Lu Lu, you go up first!"

      As soon as he finished speaking, the wolfhound rushed up the stairs, barking loudly, heading straight for Duan Wu.

      Duan Wu didn't have time to dodge. She gripped the dagger, exerted her strength, and shouted at the wolfhound, making even louder noises than it did.

      The wolfhound stopped its steps, sniffed around her, and barked happily a couple of times.

      Duan Wu hid the dagger in her sleeve, patted the dog's head twice. The wolfhound, as if trying to please her, licked her fingers, let out a low growl, and jumped down the stairs. Duan Wu remembered that her fingers were covered in pepper, and she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

      The old man, displeased, said, "Little witch, why did you harm Lu Lu?"

      Duan Wu spat, "I don't know any Lu Lu! Instead of asking me, why did you come to the relay station in the middle of the night? Why use a scale weight to hit people's heads? I, Duan Wu, studied Taoism under the immortal master on the immortal mountain in Nanhai for seven or eight years. I came to Kunlun Mountain to catch demons and gain fame!" She said it with great seriousness, almost believing it herself.

      The old man probably didn't believe her. He pulled up a chair, crossed his legs, and said, "Impressive that you can make up stories at fourteen or fifteen! Who am I? I am a Mongolian doctor, my real name is A Tai. In the Western Regions, I am the first among Mongolian doctors. Do you think I love to come and look at a bunch of dead people in the middle of the night? Since people are dead, what should we doctors do? Even if you call your master or immortal ancestor, they can't do anything! But my dog Lu Lu here, born as a loyal dog. As long as it smells the scent of a patient, it rushes to the patient desperately. Tonight it insisted on entering this relay station, didn't find a patient, but ran into you, a little demon girl! A bandit killed all these people, right? Why are you staying here waiting for reinforcements? I see you're in good health, no need for me to save you. You offended Lu Lu, and I won't save you either!"

      Duan Wu's eyes rolled quickly, saying, "What an impressive Mongolian doctor, what a loyal dog! You can't even figure out who the patients here are. I can't expect anything from you. I heard Mongolian doctors are all swindlers. Seeing is believing."

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