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a miguel diaz fic

written by # lxvestories



Aurora found herself in the front seat of her father's car, absentmindedly gazing at the moon, its glow partially obscured by the pine trees below. As she scratched off red nail polish that coated her fingernails, her mind was abruptly jarred when she heard the sound of a seatbelt being unbuckled.

A sense of panic washed over her as she observed her father's anxious movements. "Dad, what are you doing?" she inquired urgently, eyebrows furrowed.

Meeting her eyes for a brief moment, her father's panic was evident. "Ror, the car won't stop," he whispered, struggling with the unresponsive steering wheel.

Rory's eyes widened in sudden realization as she peered ahead, spotting the cliff looming over the water. Panic set in as her chest heaved. "Dad, this isn't a joke. Stop, stop, stop, Dad!" she pleaded.

"This is serious, Aurora!" he exclaimed, frantically honking the horn to attract attention on the desolate, eerie road they traversed.

Approaching the edge, he turned to his daughter. "Jump out."

"W-what?" she stammered, tears streaming down her face.

"Aurora, jump out!" he screamed. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she flung open the door and leaped out, tumbling onto the grass.

As she struggled to get up, her eyes fixed on the car hurtling towards the water. "Dad, DAD, JUMP!" she shouted urgently, her breath quickening. "DAD!"

In the next moment, the car plunged into the water. Rory gasped, rushing towards the cliff.

The sinking car disappeared bit by bit, mirrors coated in water. Aurora tried to stifle her sobs, falling to her knees as the concrete beneath her felt like a barrage of knives, mirroring the pain in her heart.

"No," she shook her head. "No, no. Dad! Dad!" she screamed, grappling with denial. Tears streamed down her face, hands trembling.

A comforting hand rested on her shoulder, belonging to a woman with black hair, her son standing behind her. Rory gasped for breath as sirens approached, police racing to the scene.

Police officers looked over the cliff in disbelief, and Rory, overwhelmed with grief, sobbed uncontrollably. The woman's arms enveloped her, offering solace amid the surrounding guilt.

"Dad," she whispered to herself, groaning in anger as the pieces inside her shattered. Why didn't he jump?

The haunting question echoed in her mind, emphasizing the pain. Love felt like a weakness, the cause of her agony. Love. Love, love, love.

She despised love.

So why did she expose her vulnerable heart to the new boy so effortlessly?


𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙀, miguel diazWhere stories live. Discover now